Follow the Counsel to Be Prepared by Starting Simply

With the downturn in the economy, and the beginning of the severe weather season in the Midwest, it is an excellent time to be prepared. The church leaders have established the counsel of preparedness and provident living to help us during difficult times and to give us peace as we face unknown situations. As you prepare for your family you should pray and make sure that you catering to your family’s individual needs. One of the easiest you can do to begin preparing for food storage is to set up a 72-hour kit for each member of your family. Simply … Continue reading

Clothing for Emergency Kits

An important item for your emergency kits is appropriate clothing for each member of your family. You will not want to pack three days worth of clothing in your kit, because this will take up too much room. You will want to provide at least one change of clothes and if you have room clothes that your family would be comfortable sleeping in. As you gather this clothing for your family you will want to make sure that you are planning for the weather conditions that will be facing your family. You may want a lightweight jacket and shorts for … Continue reading

Food for your Emergency Kits

As you prepare your emergency 72–hour kits, food is an essential item for those 72-hours. It can take up a lot of room. If you are storing a large quantity of canned foods, the kit can quickly become heavy. Since an ideal kit is portable, you should avoid making your kit too heavy to carry. Here are some ideas for making the kits more manageable. 1) You can purchase MRE’s for your family to eat during the emergency. MRE stands for meals ready to eat. They include an entrée and often dessert for each meal. You may want to test … Continue reading