Adenomyosis: My Story Part #3 Surgical Options Hysterectomy

It’s impossible to determine just exactly how I developed Adenomyosis. Many women apparently don’t have the symptoms that I had, when my normal cycle changed. Most often Adenomyosis isn’t diagnosed as easily as I was. My testing only required a Pelvic Ultrasound and an Endometrial Biopsy. Many times Adenomyosis requires MRI’s and often this problem isn’t diagnosed until after a hysterectomy. I did have two cesarean-section babies a little over one year apart in 1983 and 1984. Following the birth of my second child I developed Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which required intensive antibiotics to clear up. In 2000 my husband … Continue reading

Adenomyosis: My Story Part #2 Pelvic Ultrasound and Endometrial Biopsy

In the first Blog of My Story shared some of the symptoms I was suffering with. My Normal was Different and all of my annual tests came back normal. My hormones were normal and I showed no signs of menopause. I was left to survive the holidays in pain and worry waiting for my next doctor’s appointment. In January I had a Pelvic Ultrasound. A small amount of saline water was placed inside my uterus to help see if there was “something” inside of it that might be causing the enlarging and hardening my gynecologist noticed. But, everything inside looked … Continue reading

Adenomyosis: My Story Part #1 When Normal Is Different

When my symptoms first started it was easy to consider what was happening as something to be expected. My wonderful sister’s-in-law, long-time-friends, and any woman just slightly older suggested what was happening me–might be “The Change!” After all they had all been told by their gynecologists that they needed hormone replacements and were going through early stages of menopause when they were my age. Some were even younger! So for a long time, I just thought this was what early menopause was like. Never knowing when that time of the month might be. Feeling cramps and horrible discomfort with little … Continue reading