Establishing a Support System #3: Educating Extended Family

As adoptive parents we spend a good amount of time coming to the decision to adopt and what type of adoption we believe best for our family. We are ready, but have we stopped to consider the fact that our plans to adopt will impact our extended families as well? We may have talked in detail with a few members of our extended families about our adoption plans. In fact everyone we know might be aware of our plans to adopt a baby, child or even a sibling group. But, think back to when you first considered adoption and some … Continue reading

Adoptive Parents Establishing a Support System: #1 Always be prepared.

In order to establish a strong support system families must first make an effort to always be prepared. The more we are able to take care or our families needs in the event of an emergency the more stable our lives become. Establishing a support system is not unique to adoptive parents every family is better off if they have a firm and clear support system in place. As adoptive families our goal is to establish our support system while riding the roller coaster of the adoption process . The first requirement of forming a support system is to establish … Continue reading

Estabilshing a Support System: Intro

It makes no difference if you are adopting a domestic newborn, international, or a special needs, older or waiting child. All parents need to establish a strong support system and adoptive parents do not have 9 months of pregnancy or have the same access and support as a biological parent might. During a pregnancy extended family knows what to expect and when. While waiting to become adoptive parents there are few obvious signs that your family is about to grow. When adding children the old fashion way mothers have the chance to interview and pick pediatricians and generally health insurance … Continue reading