Look for Ways to Gain an Advantage

Periodically we talk about competition in the business world here in the Home Business blog and I know that some of us are “into” understanding how to be more competitive and some of us take a different approach to business operations. I also know that using a word like “advantage” can be challenging—some of us just don’t want to think of ourselves as “cut-throat” business people. Still, if we want our businesses to succeed, we do need to find ways to increase our advantage—make ourselves more likely to be chosen by customers, clients and prospects. Gaining an advantage does not … Continue reading

Flea and Tick Prevention Options

There are lots of choices when it comes to flea and tick prevention. Here’s a look at five popular choices that you may find at your veterinarian’s office or local pet store. Frontline — available as Frontline Top Spot and Frontline Plus for both dogs and cats. Both versions contain fipronil to kill fleas and ticks. Frontline Plus also contains an insect growth regulator that takes care of fleas and ticks from egg to larvae to adult. Liquid is applied monthly between the shoulders; controls ticks for one month and fleas for up to three months. Water resistant. Safe for … Continue reading

Who Are Those Dogs in … The K9 Advantix/Advantage Commercials?

One of my favorite TV commercials using animals is the K9 Advantix commercials with the little singing puppy. There’s one where he’s written to thank his parents for the package with the K9 Advantix in it. (Which stopped all the biting, because those “fleas, ticks, mosquitoes really bother.”) In fact, the commercial is titled “Camp” and you can watch it on the K9 Advantix site.) They have a new commercial with the little pup singing another song: There ain’t no bugs on me There ain’t no bugs on me. There may be bugs on some of you mugs, But there … Continue reading