What is an Insurance Broker?

There isn’t really any difference between an Insurance Broker and an Insurance Agent. An Agent is the representative of the insurance company a customer buys the insurance they need from. The insurance company provides the insurance coverage and the agent or broker is licensed with the state and appointed by the insurance company to represent them for the business with the customers. Captive or Direct Insurance Agents are employed directly by the insurance company, and work for that insurance company only. An Insurance Broker is an independent insurance agent who is appointed by a variety of insurance companies to represent, … Continue reading

Why Would Anyone Become An Insurance Agent?

As a retired insurance agent I don’t remember one time where I sold a policy and heard the clients say, “Oh, this purchase was so wonderful let’s go out to dinner and celebrate.” I did have a few high risk drivers who had to provide proof of auto insurance I was able to make happy by finding insurance they were eligible to purchase. The closest thing to “celebrating insurance customers” were those young drivers who had already wracked up a few speeding tickets. I am sure car salespeople, and real estate agents have watched as their clients signed on the … Continue reading