Purchasing A Home Air Purifier–Part 2

In “Purchasing A Home Air Purifier—Part 1,” I went over some of the reasons why a home air cleaner is a good investment. In Part Two we tackle the question: “How can you tell if the air purifier you are buying is going to work or do the job it is intended to do?” To answer that question we need to review the different filtration methods each system uses. Long ago the standard of effectiveness for eliminating dust particles was set by the HEPA system, which eliminates particles that average .3 micron in size. This is the particle size most … Continue reading

Purchasing A Home Air Purifier—Part 1

For the past few weeks I have been having an ongoing discussion with a friend who lives in the heart of New York City. He has been contemplating getting an air purifier for his apartment. While I don’t live smack in the middle of a major metropolis, I too have been considering investing in an air purifier for our home. I have severe allergies and my daughter has recently been showing signs that she may have inherited my bad sinuses. My doctor says that in the average home, every cubic foot of air contains about 3 million dust particles. The … Continue reading