Airborne Isn’t All it’s Claimed to Be

A writer friend of mine (who you’ll be meeting soon, I promise) tipped me off to the news that Airborne is settling a twenty-three million dollar class action lawsuit for false advertising. A little bit of history: Airborne was created by a teacher as a way to prevent colds (and treat them if you already had one). The product was created in 1999 and by 2006 had made more than one hundred million dollars. Not bad for a school teacher, huh? Too bad 2006 was the year the trouble started. A TV news report questioned the truth of Airborne’s claims. … Continue reading

I Really Wasn’t Going to get Sick this Year….

I wrote just this week about how I was going to avoid getting sick by taking Airborne, getting plenty of sleep, and taking my multivitamins. Well, it’s four days later, and as of yesterday, I am officially sick. Was it the Airborne? Did it not do its job? Am I just prone to sicknesses and I ought to just give it up and wave a white flag of surrender? Am I doomed to being sick forevermore? Right now? I would have to say the answer is yes, sadly enough. Yesterday was a crazy day for me at work and as … Continue reading

How to Stay Healthy at the Office

I work in an office where people tramp in and out all day long. Employees, clients, and random people with nothing better to do (I’ve had a couple of those in the last week) all come down to the office to talk, which is fine, of course, except when they leave “presents” behind–those nasty things called germs. I have already been yucky sick this winter when I got a bad case of bronchitis and laryngitis. I was out of work for two days, which isn’t an experience I want to live through again any time soon. Problems are not solved … Continue reading