A-Rod Plays Madonna’s Waterboy While Kanye Wants to be Elvis

After months of rumors, have Madonna and Yankee Alex Rodriguez finally going public with a romance? Well, maybe not exactly, but tongues are still wagging about something that happened Wednesday night. Madonna was in Miami at the Dolphin’s Stadium playing a sold out show. As you might imagine, one can get parched performing like that, so thankfully, there was someone in the front row to hand her a bottle of water. What? Madonna took a bottle of water from someone on the front row? Well, yes, but it wasn’t just any someone – it was Alex Rodriguez. Now, maybe the … Continue reading

How Does Alex Rodriguez Factor into the Madonna/Guy Ritchie Rumors?

As you know if you have been reading the Pop Culture blogs, there seems to be trouble in the Madonna/Guy Ritchie marriage. Michele blogged that Madonna has reportedly been seeing Paul McCartney’s divorce lawyer despite Guy’s mum saying all the rumors are much ado about nothing. This week, we also learned the two have been seen without their wedding rings. Now, Us Weekly is saying that New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez was at Madonna’s Central Park apartment right after the birth of his daughter on April 30th. Sources are saying that 32-year-old Alex and 49-year-old Madonna were not only keeping … Continue reading

More Baby Talk

You can’t really carry on about Hollywood celebrities these days without adding a touch of cynicism, can you? I can’t. However, there is one celebrity subtopic that I try not to stain with my sometimes-acerbic comments—babies. It’s hard to rain on a baby parade. No matter what you might think of the stars who are having them, children are precious commodities and their births should be celebrated. So a hearty congratulations to the following celebs who have another reason to smile today: New York Yankees all-star Alex Rodriguez and his wife Cynthia overcame a series of rumors about the Bronx … Continue reading

Surprise Baby Announcements

Despite the multiple headlines that alluded he was far from the ideal husband, reports confirm that New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez and his wife are adding to their family. Surprise! I guess this means the couple is staying together after all. The two-time American League MVP released a statement yesterday that revealed that his 34-year-old wife Cynthia is expecting a baby next spring. “Cynthia and I are overjoyed to announce this addition to our family,” Rodriguez said. “We realize what a special gift children are, and feel very blessed to welcome our second child.” A-Rod and his wife … Continue reading