The Adoptees Liberty Movement Association Society

Another really wonderful resource for adoptee’s in the Adoptee’s Liberty Movement Association (ALMA). They are also known as The ALMA Society and can be reached on their web page at The ALMA Society. The ALMA Society is a not for profit, tax-exempt corporation funded entirely by registration fees and donations which are tax-deductible. It might seem expensive at first, however they are the pioneer organization in fighting for the rights of adoptees everywhere. They are the oldest, most comprehensive and the absolute most successful reunion registry of its kind. And believe me, I’ve known a lot of adoptee’s and birth … Continue reading

FHE: Repentance and Alma the Younger

A great idea for Family Home Evenings is to teach out of the For Strength of Youth book. You can take one or two topics and teach about the topics to your children. Although I have young children, I still feel that it is important to teach them these values now. I also feel that this works well even if you do not have any children. These standards are set for the entire church, not just for the youth. The book just helps to bring them to the attention of the youth. This week I am going to talk about … Continue reading