Sandra Bullock Wins Humanitarian Award

Last Wednesday, the People’s Choice Awards was held at the Nokia Theater.  These awards are pretty cool because the celebrity honors are chosen by the people rather than industry professionals like the other award shows. The Hunger Games won five awards, singer Katy Perry won three, and Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston won for best comedic actors. One special award went to Sandra Bullock, not for acting, but for her humanitarian efforts. Bullock was recognized for her many philanthropic efforts.  She has been a great supporter of the American Red Cross, having given the organization millions over the years after … Continue reading

Hurricane Katrina Survivors Still Getting Support One Year Later

It seems to me that Americans, as a whole, generally have a short attention span. Hollywood seems a microcosm of America, perhaps having the shortest attention span of all. So I was happy to read recently that with the upcoming one-year anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina tragedy, Hollywood is still giving. Last week, a party/benefit was held for MoveOn’s program. This program helped find housing for more than 30,000 people and these stories were chronicled in a book titled “It Takes a Nation.” The benefit brought out such celebrities as singer Moby and actresses Rosie Perez and Julie Stiles. … Continue reading

Emergency Preparedness For Pets

Hurricane season begins June 1st. After last year’s deadly hurricane season, it makes sense to have a disaster plan in place for your family AND your pets. Being prepared can save your pets’ lives. If you must evacuate, you should make every attempt to evacuate your pets as well. Leaving pets behind can result in injury or worse! Before a disaster happens, you should plan a safe place to take your pets. NOTE: Red Cross disaster shelters cannot accept pets due to states’ health and safety regulations. Only service animals are allowed in Red Cross Shelters! Find hotels and motels … Continue reading