How to Get Involved for Veteran’s Day

Do you know what Veterans Day is? Do you know why it’s important? It is the day where we show appreciation, or give thanks, to all the brave people that fought in wars to help keep our country safe. These people are called Veterans. While today is the official date of Veteran’s Day, many people will celebrate in on Monday, November 13, because they have the day off from school or work. So, what can you do to get actively involved in honoring our American heroes? Many communities have a Veterans Day parade. Ask a grown up to call your … Continue reading

Today is Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day and my sincere thanks to all those who have defended this country and the freedoms we so often take for granted. I hope every American will take at least a moment to remember and honor those who have given so much to protect our country and our way of life. Does your family do anything special on this day? Did your kids do anything special this week (National Veterans Awareness Week) at school? It seems like schools don’t do quite as much to recognize our heroes these days, at least not like I remember it when I … Continue reading

Salute to American Veterans Crafts

This week begins National Veterans Awareness Week, beginning November 5th and ending November 11th with Veterans Day, which is celebrated on this date each year. It has been recognized on this date since the 1950’s. President Bush asked all of us to honor our Veterans, the heroes that have fought to protect our country. We can help remember our Veterans by making crafts from patriotic symbols, to salute them. You can find other patriotic craft ideas in the Holidays section that were posted for Fourth of July or you can check back later this week for more ideas. One simple … Continue reading

Thank You American Veterans!

There simply aren’t enough words or strong enough words to show our appreciation for those of you whom have made incredible sacrifices out of love for and devotion to this country. You fought to defend our freedom and have done far more than swear your allegiance; you have literally put your lives on the line. Many have given their lives or suffered in untold ways, so that we could live soundly and safely in our homes. We will never forget what you have done for us; we honor you now and always. This week, November 5 – 11, 2006, is … Continue reading