Brad Pitt vs. Diaper Rash

In the October issue of Esquire Magazine, Brad Pitt discusses a myriad of personal issues. Of his upcoming nuptials to Angelina Jolie, Pitt says: “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able.” On the issue of being a “laid back” parent, Pitt explains: “I try not to stifle them in any way. If it’s not hurting anyone, I want them to be able to explore.” Finally, Pitt opens up on a topic perhaps all parents can relate to: “Shiloh’s got horrible diaper rash, poor thing. Same … Continue reading

Brad and Angelina’s Wax Baby

The baby whose birth was heralded around the world (at least by the paparazzi) has been immortalized in wax. A figure of two-month-old Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, daughter of mega-couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt went on display Wednesday at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in New York City. According to PEOPLE Magazine, Baby Shiloh is the museum’s first-ever infant replica. The wax version of Shiloh rests in a woven basket in a jungle-themed nursery as soft African lullabies play in the background (you’ll remember that Jolie gave birth to her first biological child in Namibia). While wax baby Shiloh sleeps, her … Continue reading

Angelina Jolie Returns To The Big Screen

Angelina Jolie’s days as a stay-at-home mom are coming to an end. Jolie has just accepted roles in what could be two major blockbuster films. The first movie is an adaptation of the memoir, A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband Danny Pearl, written by Mariane Pearl, the widow of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. In the film Jolie (cast as Mariane Pearl)will chronicle Pearl’s life after her husband was abducted and later killed by Islamic extremists in Pakistan in early 2002. Pearl, a French journalist, was pregnant when her husband was kidnapped and … Continue reading

“Brangelina” Article Backlash

An article titled “How to Shop for Children the Bradgelina Way”, printed in the LA Times last week caused an uproar in the adoption community. The newspaper received dozens of angry emails and as a result they wrote a follow-up article titled “Brangelina Article Sparks Outcry”. The majority of the article as made up of letters from upset members of the adoption triad. Here are some excerpts from these letters: •“This article is just pure ignorance and I honestly feel your paper should print an apology for being so demeaning, degrading of children and adoption. Please, we have enough to … Continue reading

Adoption the “Brangelina” Way?

A recent article in the LA Times sparked outrage in the adoption community. The article was titled “How to Shop for Kids the Brangelina Way”. The article was written in a flippant manner that most adoptive parents found to be rude and disrespectful. Here are some of the offensive comments that were made in the article: •Referring to China as “an adoption machine” •Saying that Russia is “the next biggest supplier of adoptable moppets” •When talking about the fact that South Korea does not require the parents to travel to get their child, the writer said “(Angelina) could phone in … Continue reading

Brad Pitt—Actor… Father… Mr. Generosity??

He’s a new dad, a loving companion to Angelina Jolie, named by PEOPLE magazine as “The Sexiest Man Alive,” and now Brad Pitt can add a new title to his ever-growing collection of monikers. Pitt was just named one of “15 People Who Make America Great” by Newsweek magazine. The magazine credits Pitt for using his megawatt star power to shine the spotlight on neglected causes in Africa. Props to Pitt for using the paparazzi to his advantage! He is the focus of intense media scrutiny, but doesn’t let it get him down. Rather, as the target of photographers, Pitt … Continue reading

Namibia – Birthplace of Beauty

I have blogged about the Jolie-Pitt romance and Majorie just recently blogged about Angelina Jolie. It seems you cannot open a magazine or turn on the television without hearing about Angelina, Brad, the kids, and Namibia. It has been reported that they will remain in Namibia until the birth of their baby. I started wondering – just what was so great about Namibia? Namibia is a vast country that lies along the southern coast of Africa, right below Angola and above South Africa. In size, it is about half the size of Alaska, making it the 31st largest country in … Continue reading

Angelina Jolie – Home Wrecker?

Rumors are going around about a possible marriage in Italy soon between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. After all, Brad’s good friend, George Clooney, has a lovely lakefront villa just perfect for a wedding ceremony. Why is everyone so concerned about a possible marriage of these two? You remember Brad and Angelina – they starred together in Mr. and Mrs. Smith and now get more publicity for their romance than anything they do on the screen. It is hard to check out at the grocery store without seeing some tabloid with photos of Brad, Angelina, and the children plastered all … Continue reading