Paris Hilton Asks Governor For Pardon

Her first attempt to use her celebrity status didn’t sway a judge to go easy on her, but Paris Hilton is not giving up. The socialite is now asking you to sign a petition to help her persuade California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to pardon her from her 45-day jail sentence. So, should we applaud her efforts to remain a free woman or snort, roll our eyes, and dismiss her pathetic attempts at dodging the consequences of her actions? Perhaps this information will help you decide: Regarding her grass roots appeal to fans (actually, I don’t think she cares if you … Continue reading

Trump Stirs Up More Controversy

With Rosie O’Donnell recently announcing her departure from ABC’s “The View” you had to know that her rival Donald Trump would not remain silent for long. (I think it took him about 2.16 seconds to issue a statement after the news of her leaving was broadcast.) I’ll get to their ongoing battle in a bit, but first I wanted to clear up rumors about Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent appearance on Trump’s TV show “The Apprentice: Los Angeles.” For some reason I allow myself to get sucked into “The Apprentice,” season after season (this year was no different). On the March … Continue reading

Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes Green

Well… he does have teenage children. But, that may not be the only reason California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is going green this Earth Day… on MTV. The actor-turned-politician is scheduled to appear tonight on the popular MTV show “Pimp My Ride.” Before you let your imagination get the best of you, you should know that Schwarzenegger’s appearance is part of his latest promotion to boost his environmental agenda. (In other words he’s appearing on the show on Earth Day for a reason.) Schwarzenegger’s aides say their boss’s appearance on MTV is the latest move to generate attention to environmentally friendly … Continue reading

Schwarzenegger Breaks a Leg

Perhaps due to the high profile deaths of singer James Brown and former President Gerald Ford, the news of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger breaking his leg while skiing has been pushed to the back of the news burner. Governor Schwarzenegger, 59, broke his right leg while skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho last weekend with his wife Maria Shriver and four children. He underwent a 90-minute surgery last Tuesday in which doctors used screws and cables to wire the bone back together. He is expected to make a full recovery. Actually, the governor may consider himself lucky to have only suffered … Continue reading