Insurance Blog Week In Review January 2-8, 2007

The first week of 2007 has been an inspiring week for this Insurance Blogger! Not only because I have some great ideas and insurance things to write about–but, also because I have learned a few new things about Insurance myself. Insurance Term Of The Week: Insurance Credit Score Credit Protection Insurance. Consumer Credit Scores What Decides Score? How is the Score Used Errors Concerns Information Many of your are aware that my husband and I are adoptive parents of special needs siblings from the foster care system. I wrote many Adoption Blogs at before I took this position writing … Continue reading

Ask Anna

When a person has a name like “Anna” and invites friends and members to send her questions to use in an Advice type of column then–the column has to be named–“Ask Anna.” Trust me I tried to think of something less obvious, but the other titles I could think of sounded like someone “trying too hard.” Anna’s Insurance Q’s and A’s Anna’s Insurance Advice Blogs Insurance Queen. (no, no, no, who wrote that in my notes?!) Anyway, it was way too hard to think of any other title to call the Insurance Advice Blogs other then, “Ask Anna” so … Continue reading

Insurance Week In Pre-view January 2007

This Blog is titled “Week In Preview” because rather then look back, I am looking forward to 2007. Naturally, my year has started with a major glitch and complete computer crash, resulting in the need to restore my system, and reconnect to my internet service! Thank goodness I own a computer with recovery made (geek-insurance) and I was able to click my way out of complete electronic meltdown. I am a person who actually does make and write down my New Years Resolutions. This year I start inspired and ready to take the Insurance Blogs to a new level. Things … Continue reading