The Christmas Spirit in an Easter Basket?

The general attitude of goodwill associated with Christmas perplexes me. Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for it. But when you contrast the birth of Christ with His atonement and resurrection, you would think Easter would draw out more kindly behavior than Christmas. I understand the sentiment behind the goodwill, and I fully support it. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, we celebrate the gift that Heavenly Father gave to the world – that of His only Begotten Son. And yet, with the resurrection and atonement we celebrate each spring, the gift becomes infinitely more valuable to each … Continue reading


There are times in life when you will be asked to forgive someone of a wrong that has been done to you. There are times when the one who has hurt you will not come asking to be forgiven, but you still must forgive them for the pain that they caused. Forgiveness is a wonderful gift that you can give to the person who has wronged you, but it is also a gift that you can give yourself. Children are great examples of people who forgive easily. They are able to accept a simple apology from a friend and go … Continue reading

General Conference: “I Will Remember Your Sins No More”

In his talk “I Will Remember Your Sins No More” President Boyd K. Packer spoke about Alma and the counsel that he gave to his son Corianton. Corianton had strayed from the things that he knew to be right. He had made choices that had taken him far away from the path that he should have been on. Alma 39-42 reports of what Alma taught Corianton about the plan of redemption and repentance through the Atonement of Christ. After President Packer summarizes the counsel, he adds: “It is a wicked, wicked world in which we live and in which our … Continue reading

What is Life Without Hope

It is far too easy to get bogged down in the daily grind of life. If your life includes all the normal things like family, job, church and community responsibilities it can get trying enough. Add to that mix, health issues which can send your debt and stress to screamingly high levels, and you have a life that can easily be a little low on the hope meter. Elder Neal A. Maxwell states: “Without hope, what is the future of lubricating forgiveness among the human family? Without hope, why forgo now in order to preserve precious resources for future generations? … Continue reading

Do Your Trials Seem Too Great to Bear?

One talk that I really enjoyed during General Conference was “Broken Things to Mend,” by Jeffrey R. Holland. This talk is about coming unto Christ and using the Atonement in our lives to heal ourselves. Elder Holland talks about how we can utilize the Atonement in our lives. Elder Holland says of this: “This reliance upon the merciful nature of God is at the very center of the gospel Christ taught. I testify that the Savior’s Atonement lifts from us not only the burden of our sins but also the burden of our disappointments and sorrows, our heartaches and our … Continue reading

Coasting or Growing?

This is something that has been greatly on my mind as of late. I know this of a surety, Heavenly Father did not put us on this earth to coast. What do I mean by coast? Well, let’s talk about that for a minute. Many Latter-day Saints study their scriptures, go to church, have Family Home Evening, attend to their church callings and stop there. They are content in the knowledge that they are doing the things they must without ever realizing there is so much more our Father in Heaven has for each of us. Let me quote President … Continue reading

A Review of The Infinite Atonement by Tad R. Callister

“So cool has been the reception of the message [of the Atonement] that through the centuries, while heated controversy and debate have raged over evolution, atheism, the sacraments, the Trinity, authority, predestination, faith and works, and so on, there has been no argument or discussion at all about the meaning of the Atonement. Why were there no debates or pronouncements in the synods? People either do not care enough or do not know enough even to argue about it. For the doctrine of the Atonement is far too complicated to have the appeal of a world religion.” Hugh Nibley Quote … Continue reading