Tags: Frequently Asked Questions

Tagging on the Internet is becoming more popular every day. Families.com is one of many Web sites that use tags to organize information into an accessible and usable format. Today, we will discuss some of the frequently asked questions about tagging. Be sure to check out the next blog on how to tag on Families.com. Why tag? What are tags used for? Tagging helps organize the content on Families.com in a logical and orderly manner so you can easily find articles and blogs on topics you are looking for. If you are looking for information on a specific topic, you … Continue reading


One of the tenets of good parenting is teaching children about consequences. But what happens when kids see adults act inappropriately and not have to suffer a penalty for their negative actions? Well, you get a situation similar to the one described in my fellow blogger Stephanie Romero’s post about her son’s recent high school graduation ceremony. In her blog, Stephanie detailed the frustration she felt when several parents blatantly defied the principal’s plea to remain silent while the graduates’ names were being announced and diplomas were being handed out on stage. From what I gather from reading Stephanie’s post, … Continue reading

Blog Networks, Part 1

As a blogger one of the most powerful steps you can take is becoming part of a blog network. A blog network is a small group of bloggers whose focus is promoting one another through social media. Bloggers in a network may also guest post, host Twitter or Facebook parties, or form giveaways and Blog Hops. The result is blogs that grow and bonds between bloggers. Blog Network Basics Niche: Blog networks perform best if all the bloggers fit into the same niche or genre. Variety is not recommended unless your blogs are complimentary and reach the same audience. For … Continue reading

Blogging to Learn

Blogging is not just for the homeschooling moms. Moms everywhere have discovered the fun and therapeutic advantages of blogging. It is a way to connect and share in a method that is visual and able to be accessed at any time. Busy moms enjoy logging online to find the advice they need on their own time schedule. However, the blogging world is not just for moms, writers, and those with a desire to chronicle their knowledge and life with others. Blogging is also becoming a popular outlet and teaching tool for students. You will find a surge of homeschooled students … Continue reading

Keeping Your Faith at College – Part 2

Last month I looked at keeping your faith at college. I’m going to make a few more suggestions in this area today. Don’t cut yourself off from opportunities. Just because you’ve always belonged to one denomination doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the right one for you. When our daughter went to university she, like a few others, I know found she was not fitting in to the Anglican Church she attended. She got lost in the sheer size of the congregation and found it hard to mix. After a while she opted out and went along to a Baptist church which … Continue reading

Are You Suffering from Frugal Fatigue

For myself, and I date say my fellow families.com frugal bloggers, frugality is a way of life. For most American’s however, frugality is a reaction to personal purse strings. The nation as a whole has been cutting back for the past one to two years, and many of them are sick and tired of it. Being frugal is more of a burden than a rewarding endeavor, and they can’t wait until they can get back to their old spend-spend-spending ways. The reason people are becoming tired of being frugal is that they have cut back to an extreme level and … Continue reading

Domestic Violence: 7 Facts to Be Aware Of

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I did a little research and with some help from outside sources like The National Domestic Violence Hotline, DomesticViolence.org, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and Medline Plus in addition to articles referenced herein by other Families.com bloggers, I came up with a list of seven facts about domestic violence. 1. Domestic violence goes by other names. Such as partner abuse and spousal abuse. 2. You don’t have to be married to experience domestic violence. You don’t even necessarily need to be living with your partner to be involved in a domestic violence … Continue reading

Ways To Avoid Getting Sick On A Cruise

My friend is leaving on a Carnival Cruise next week. She and her husband are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and decided to take advantage of the deep discounts Carnival was offering this month. Unfortunately, it seems I am more excited about her trip than she is. As hard as I have tried I haven’t been able to calm my friend’s fear about contracting the norovirus while cruising the high seas. If you haven’t been watching the news recently, then you may not be aware of the fact that there was an apparent outbreak of the highly-contagious flu-like illness on … Continue reading

The Single Fantasy

National Singles Week runs from September 15-21. This year the National Singles Association is hosting events in Atlanta from September 17 thru 23. Unmarried America is also celebrating singles during the same time period, with what they call National Unmarried and Single Americans Week. “Why the fascination with Singles Week, Courtney? I thought you were happily married? And didn’t you just celebrate an anniversary?” Yes, I am happily married and, yes, we did just celebrate an anniversary, our 12th in fact. But sometimes I have this fantasy of what it would be like to be footloose and fancy free… The … Continue reading

Medical Transcription: Using Instant Text While Transcribing

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. Instant Text is the most powerful expander on the market. Comparing AutoCorrect to Instant Text is like comparing a baby kitten to a large powerful tiger–yeah sure they’re related, but they’re not exactly kissing cousins. That difference also shows up in the price tag: Free vs $189. If you pay $189 for something, it better do everything but the dinner dishes, and luckily, Instant Text does … Continue reading