A New Way to Tour Berlin’s Top Tourist Attraction

The remains of the iconic landmark that split East and West Germany for nearly three decades are all but gone, but that hasn’t stopped tourists from traveling thousands of miles to Berlin to see where it once stood. If you have plans to visit the Berlin Wall in the near future you might be surprised by what is waiting for you at the site. Gone are the old tattered maps and guidebooks illustrating the wall’s memorials. They have been replaced with a new multimedia guide offering individualized walking tours connecting the key points where the 103-mile-long wall once stood. Visitors … Continue reading

The Case of Knut, the Baby Polar Bear, and the Animal Rights Activist

Are you familiar with Knut, the baby polar bear born on December 5, 2006 at the Berlin Zoo in Germany? His mother rejected him and his twin brother at birth. (His twin died four days later.) Knut spent the first 44 days of his life in an incubator. During that time his life hung in the balance. It was similar to another famous polar bear abandonment scene. On November 6, 1994, Klondike and Snow were also abandoned at birth by their mother at the Denver Zoo. They were given only a 50/50 chance of surviving. But survive they did, and … Continue reading