What is the Tribulation? Part 2

The Great Tribulation is a period of seven years in which God will judge the wicked on the earth. It will be a time of great persecution and suffering for all mankind, and especially for those who remain true to Jesus Christ. The Bible mentions several different judgments that will occur during the Tribulation. They are referred to as the Seven Trumpet Judgments, the Seven Seal Judgments, and the Seven Bowl Judgments (seven is the number of perfection in the Bible): Seven Seals: The Tribulation will begin with the Antichrist rising to power. He will cause the world to believe … Continue reading

What is the Tribulation? Part 1

The Great Tribulation is a period of time, most Bible students say a period of seven years, in which the world will see the greatest destruction, turmoil and death of all time. It is a period of God unleashing His wrath on the earth for all of those who have rejected Him. His ultimate purpose in the tribulation is to bring His people, Israel, back to Himself through His righteous judgment. Many Protestants believe that the Great Tribulation could begin at any time, and that it must be accomplished before the Millennial Reign of Christ. Some view these events as … Continue reading