Adult Bible Studies and Devotionals

Growing up I attended many Bible studies with my parents. These Bible studies consisted of several families who got together every few weeks for a study of a particular book of the Bible. As a younger child I would play with the other children during these gatherings, but as I grew up I started participating in the discussions. As a child I saw these Bible studies as an opportunity to hang out with my friends and nothing more; however, looking back now I appreciate the example that my parents set for me. My parents not only taught me about a … Continue reading

Read the Bible in a Year Online Resource

While looking for resources about reading through the entire Bible in a year I came across a great website. The website is called “Read the Bible in a Year by E-mail.” The website is free to use. You sign-up using your email address and then you choose a few basic options. Choose a starting date. Are you going on vacation next week? That is ok because you can set the program to start at any time. Choose a version of the Bible. You can choose from several versions of the Bible including the King James, the American Standard, and the … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Personal Bible Study: Part 4

Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Read Part 3 So you have figured out what type of Bible study you want to do, where to start, and even how to study, but how much should you study? The amount of time I spend on my personal Bible study varies from day to day. If I am doing a type of study where I have determined that I am reading a certain number of chapters, then my study lasts as long as it takes to get through the material, usually no more than fifteen minutes. If I want to do a … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Personal Bible Study: Part 3

Read Part 1 Read Part 2 In my two previous blogs on personal Bible study I wrote about different types of study as well as where to begin your study. This blog will focus on how to study. This is a fairly broad topic because there are many different approaches that you might take to studying the Bible. Ways to Study the Bible Simply read the text. This is the most straightforward method of study, but in the same sense it is not necessarily a deep study. In this type of study I would recommend that you read through a … Continue reading

A Different Type of Family Devotion

Since Christina and I are both focusing our first few blog entries on the subject of Bible study and devotion I thought that I would write about a different type of family devotion: a spousal Bible devotion or discussion. This type of study is a good deviation from an all-inclusive family devotion because it allows the study to be on an adult level which might not be achieved around younger children. My husband and I both have a habit of doing our own personal Bible study before we go to bed each night. We are not usually reading the same … Continue reading

Favorite Devotion Books

As promised, I am going to list some family devotion books that I recommend. Most of these my family has used. The ones that we haven’t used have been given high marks by some of my friends. First of all, more than any devotion, I recommend reading the Bible with your children. Help them hide God’s word in their heart while they are young. I have recommended these books before. This time I am attaching links. My family loves Egermeier’s Bible Story Book. It is accurate and the stories are in chronological order. The stories are well told. They are … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Personal Bible Study: Part 2

Read Part 1 Previously I explained two different types of personal Bible study: sequential and topical. In this blog I’m going to write about where you might want to start your personal Bible study. If you are doing a topical study I recommend starting with a study about God’s Word. Start by searching for scriptures about what God’s Word is and does. A study of the Word of God will be a great foundation for any further study you may do of the Bible. I strongly suggest using a concordance to help you find verses. This shortcut will save you … Continue reading

Family Devotions

If your family is as busy as mine, you know that it is difficult to set aside time to do family devotions. It is, however, vital to a Christian family. As parents, it’s our job to teach our children about God and to help them love His word. During devotion time we do these things. For my family, we have done it differently at different times. Our church used to meet on Saturday evening, so we would use Sunday morning to do family worship. My husband learned to strum a few kids’ worship songs on his guitar and we would … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Personal Bible Study: Part 1

Bible study is a very important aspect of the Christian’s walk. Second Timothy 2:15 states the following: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” As Christians we should strive daily to learn more about God and His commandments through the reading of His Word. In fact, in Acts 17:11, the Bible says that the Berean Christians were “more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily.” Starting your own personal Bible study can be a … Continue reading

Children Who Love the Bible

A few weeks ago my seven-year-old daughter came to me and with her eyes glowing and said, “I love reading the Bible!” It was one of those moments when that “Mom feeling” filled my heart. (Pride, love, joy all rolled into one warm fuzzy feeling) This past September Meredith graduated from Sunday school and is now in Children’s church. Children’s church involves really studying the Bible. She will read through it completely in the next couple of years. A few evenings a week Meredith and my husband sit down to read the assigned chapters for the week. My husband really … Continue reading