The Woman with 23 Marriages

What would you do if you said “I do” 23 times? No, I’m not talking about some Big Love, polygamist compound here, but one woman who has been married 23 times, consecutively, that is. And watch out guys, she is ready for husband number 24. The Chicago Sun Times is reporting on Mrs. Linda Wolfe (born Linda Lou Taylor), who at the age of 68, is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having been married the most times. Over the years, she has held the title of Mrs. with many last names attached. She says that even when … Continue reading

The Tudors, Big Love, Weeds and Other Premium Shows for Free

If you feel like the last person on earth who doesn’t know what Bill Patterson is up to these days just because you don’t think paying for a premium cable package is worth the money, take heart. There are plenty of ways to get the top shows that everyone is talking about, and get them for free. Go online Before you invest in any of the other methods of seeing the top shows, first go online. Many hit shows offer a free season premier episode or season finale episode in order to entice you to order the cable or buy … Continue reading