Green Celebrities: Daryl Hannah

Like Robert Redford, Daryl Hannah has been a long time advocate of environmentalism. And, like Woody Harrelson, she has joined the growing list of celebrities that have been arrested for supporting green practices. Daryl is known for being one of the first celebrities to drive a car that runs on biodiesel. In case you haven’t been reading our blogs, biodiesel is made from vegetable oil. Daryl was featured in a video for her blog in which she even drank the biodiesel fuel, having poured it straight from the pump to a glass, to prove a point of how biodiesel is … Continue reading

Dartmouth’s Big Green Bus

The other day, I blogged about colleges that are implementing green practices, but I failed to mention Dartmouth and their Big Green Bus. And I know, you are probably thinking “But Libby, “green” and “bus” are two words that just don’t go together!” Well, let me tell you about the Big Green Bus. The Big Green Bus is a 1989 MCI motorcoach that recently completed a summer tour with 15 students on board. The students traveled to such places as Las Vegas, Denver, Minneapolis, and Chicago to promote sustainable living practices. But, let me tell you more about this special … Continue reading