All it Takes is a Word

Writers are a helpful bunch of people. On Tuesday I found a lovely review of ‘Kaleidoscope,’ my collection of poems, at Aussie Reviews. That review along with a great review on the same site of my children’s book, ‘Karaoke Kate,’ boosted my spirits, the same way comments from some of you here at do. Then today, another writer passed on a response she saw to my children’s story. ‘Dad likes to Cook’ appeared last month in Countdown, one of four magazines put out monthly by School Magazine here in New South Wales. The May magazine contained not only the … Continue reading

Kids Rooms: Your Child’s Dream Room

We talk about dream rooms, in the context of having the perfect room we’ve always dreamed of having. However, there is another twist on the “dream room.” Creating such a room begins with our children’s hopes and dreams for the future. Some children don’t yet have serious goals and may change their minds often, which is okay too. There is no need to pressure children to decide what their lives will be like in the future and kids should enjoy being kids. There are also children who just seem to know from early on what they want to be and … Continue reading

Unspoken But Not Unheard

We shouldn’t be amazed at the way God works, but sometimes I still am, especially when God even answers the unspoken desires of my heart. I don’t mean the world shattering answers to prayer, in the major issues in life, although that’s great too. But also when God acts in the little, seemingly inconsequential, details of life. My blog today gives an example. Since I am still relatively new at choir, last week I was asked to pick a favorite song for us to sing. I picked ‘Climb Every Mountain.’ Afterwards, I wished I could have had two choices. My … Continue reading

25 Blessings – Part 2

Continuing on from the first 12 blessings of my last blog, here are the next 13 as they came to me. 13. For the privilege of prayer and the answers He has given me 14. For the friends he has brought into my life 15. For daily reminders of His love as I read His Word and as look around me at the beauty of creation 16. That I was able play five sets of tennis yesterday and am physically able to do that and enjoy being with other people – Christian and non Christian. 17. For opportunities to talk … Continue reading

Perils in Paradise

For me, each day is a battle between fear and trust. Maybe it is for you too. If we are not careful our fears can control us. They can stop us enjoying life and more importantly stop us doing those things God wants us to do. Though I love God’s creation and enjoy swimming in Jervis Bay, I’ve heard from a friend who owns and operates the business, ‘Canoe with a View’ of the marine life that lives in our bay. Each day as I step into the waters near our home I have to overcome the recurring fear of … Continue reading

Finding Gratitude

Christmas is one of the most special days of the year, but it is hard to deal with that letdown feeling that comes either that day or a day or two later. It seems that all the rush, and gift giving can become too overwhelming, and you just end up feeling tired and stressed. There are a few ways to combat that, and they all deal with gratitude. The first thing you may want to do is take a few minutes to write in your journal about all the things that you are grateful for. Look beyond the gifts that … Continue reading

Searching for Blessings

This year has been one of my most difficult ones. I have blogged about some of my trials over the year, since I have learned from them. At tithing settlement yesterday, my bishop pointed out that we should look for our blessings. We were not discussing the difficult things that my family has been through the past year. At the time I thought to myself “Yeah right! What blessings?” As we drove home, I turned to my husband, and suddenly I began to see all the blessings in our lives. We have come through a difficult year, with our faith … Continue reading

General Conference: “Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises”

In his talk “Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises” Elder Spencer J Conde speaks about the importance of keeping an eternal perspective in this life. Elder Conde opens his talk by briefly speaking about the importance of faith. He emphasizes the importance of having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Elder Conde points out that one promise is forgiveness. To obtain the full blessings of this promise, we need to forsake our sins and repent. We are also promised to have our prayers answered, as we ask in faith. As we fast we can obtain promises of having the … Continue reading

General Conference: “Why Are We Members of the Only True Church?”

In his talk “Why Are We Members of the Only True Church?” Elder Enrique R. Falabella speaks of the blessings that the church offers to its members. He mentions three specific blessings that he has felt from being a member of the church. He opens the talk by speaking about his childhood. His father was a widower. His family was poor and struggled to make ends meet. Eventually missionaries came and taught them the gospel. They were able to be sealed together in the temple. He speaks of the importance of eternal families. Elder Falabella goes on to emphasize that … Continue reading

The Gift or Blessing In Each Day

One of the joys of my life has always been reading. While my arm was in plaster it gave me the perfect excuse to sit down at times and read. Added incentive was a new library to explore which is always exciting. Libraries are one of my favorite haunts. One of the great books I read was ‘Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven’ by Fannie Flagg, author of Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. I love this author’s distinctive voice. I’m not a person who laughs out loud often when reading, but the antics of her characters and … Continue reading