The Gift of the Scriptures

One of my favorite things about the scriptures is the stories that are in them. I love the way that the stories about people help me in my daily life. As a child I learned the importance of following the Word of Wisdom as I learned the story of Daniel and his friends. I also learned that I could stand up for my beliefs even when it was difficult. I also loved the story of Daniel in the lion’s den and the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Their courage and example helped to develop my strong inner convictions to … Continue reading

Are You Struggling to Pay Tithing?

Many people struggle with the concept of tithing. Ten percent is a significant portion of your income. Many people become resentful of the money that they pay for tithing. When you are struggling financially that money could be used to pay bills and help to make ends meet. Even if you struggle to pay tithing each month you should pay it. Tithing brings promised blessings, which include being able to take care of your family. It helps you spiritually as well to pay tithing. This simple act of obedience and faith can really help your testimony to grow by leaps … Continue reading

Waiting Effectively

How good are you at waiting? I have to admit to never being good at waiting. Waiting is an area many of us find hard to cope with. Even that great man of faith and friend of God, Abraham found waiting hard. Yes, he was obedient to God in going out from his home to the land God showed him. Yes, he believed God’s promise to make of him a great nation, to bless him, and make his name great so he would be a blessing to many. Genesis 12:2-3. Years passed and nothing happened regarding descendants, so Abraham (or … Continue reading

The Blessings of the Priesthood

I have been blessed to always live in a home that has had the Priesthood. I think when I was in college I learned how much blessed I was to grow up in the home that I did. I also learned that the Priesthood is available to everyone. The church has set up the home teaching program as a way to make the Priesthood available to all. If you are single, or your husband is not a member you can call and ask your home teacher for a blessing. Recently my husband called and asked for a blessing. It was … Continue reading

Personal Prayer

Prayer is truly a blessing in my life. I pray every day, but there are specific experiences when I can remember the prayers and answers clearly. These times strengthen me, because they demonstrated to me that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer my prayers. The answers were not immediate, but came shortly after the prayer, and I felt strengthened by the answers. At times you may be in situations for which you can find no solution. You may be looking for a job, trying to solve a conflict with a family member or planning for the future. As you … Continue reading

I Can’t Believe I get to Homeschool my Kids!

As I chatted with another homeschooling mom yesterday at the YMCA poolside, we both were struck with a sense of awe and thankfulness that we get to homeschool our kids. Not only do we have the right to homeschool, but we often feel it is our duty. It is also an amazing blessing that we have found ourselves in a position where homeschooling is possible. There are so many parents that want to homeschool, but are not in a position where they feel they can either financially, physically, or emotionally. There are many women who could homeschool if they wanted … Continue reading

Blessings and Trials

The talks from the last Relief Society session of conference were really amazing. The theme “Encircled in the Arms of His Love” really struck home with me. Each of the sisters who spoke shared a time in her life when she felt that love, and could feel the arms of the Savior around her, helping her. They spoke of the importance of remembering that feeling. It has been a difficult month for me. It is going to be difficult for awhile. And I know that the Lord is there helping me through my experience. I know because I remember Him … Continue reading

Tithing Settlement

It is time for tithing settlement once again. This is a great opportunity that each member has to sit down with the bishop each year and discuss the blessings of paying tithing. At tithing settlement you will declare whether or not you have paid a full or partial tithing. During tithing settlement the bishop will discuss how your family is doing. He often will extend some sort of spiritual challenge to your family, such as reading the scriptures daily. Although the days are long for the bishop, the meetings are a time when he gets to meet with ward members … Continue reading

The Importance of Relief Society

The visiting teaching messages the last few months have focused on the blessings that you can receive by attending Relief Society. The messages have talked about the temple, priesthood blessings and service. The truly great thing about Relief Society is that it has the ability to help every sister in some way. Since every member’s needs are different, this is an important and powerful tool. The Relief Society serves the families in the ward. Often times this comes as a result of an illness or another negative situation. In many ways the Relief Society is able to help lighten the … Continue reading

Keeping The Word of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom is a wonderful guideline for the health and safety of the members of the church. Often people think that it is only teenagers or new members that are tempted to disobey the Word of Wisdom or who might find themselves in a situation when it is difficult to obey it. In my experience as an adult I have been in more situations where I had to stand up for my beliefs then when I was growing up. This may be because I grew up in Utah and I now live outside of Utah or it may … Continue reading