General Conference: “All Men Everywhere”

In his talk “All Men Everywhere” Elder Dallin H Oaks speaks about the recent challenge by President Gordon B. Hinckley to read the “Book of Mormon.” Elder Oaks speaks about the things that stood out to him as he read the “Book of Mormon” again. He said: “Last year, at the invitation of a prophet, millions read the Book of Mormon. Millions benefited. For each of us there were blessings of obedience, and most of us also grew in knowledge and testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom this book is a witness. “Many other things were learned, but … Continue reading

Book of Mormon Reading

I know that many people rose to take President Hinckley’s challenge to read the Book of Mormon last year. I love the Book of Mormon, and I read it everyday. I usually read two chapters a day, and by doing this I am able to read the Book of Mormon about three times every year. This has helped the Book of Mormon become very familiar to me, so that I can find scriptures and passages fairly easily. In college, a member in one of my wards talked about her experience with sitting down and reading the Book of Mormon in … Continue reading

Scripture Study – Candace E. Salima Style

Everybody has their own way of studying the scriptures. There are great benefits, as President Hinckley taught with last year’s Book of Mormon challenge, to reading a book of scripture straight through without stopping to ponder, underline or check sources and footnotes. Some of those benefits were lessons and principles popping out that had been missed before. There were clearer understandings of scriptural people and deeper empathy for what they went through. Greater influence of the Spirit in our homes was another promise as well as many others. I’d like to share with you how I study the scriptures. I … Continue reading