Dog Steals Truck… From Owner!

Yes, you read that right. A California man reported that his pickup truck (with pet boxer Max inside) was stolen on February 20th. Charles McCowan went into a mini-mart, only to find his truck and dog gone when he came back out! He called the police — that’s what you do when your car gets stolen, right? Officers found the pickup truck across the street in the parking lot of a fast food place. Max was inside, safe and sound. Nobody had a clue how the truck got across the street. Let’s go to the tape! Security footage showed the … Continue reading

Training: Redirecting Unwanted Greetings

My girl dog Lally is half boxer — which is why she likes to “box” me when I walk in the door. She stands up on her back legs and bats at me with her paws. It’s cute, but it can also be painful! It seems like every dog has his or her own particular greeting ritual. Moose demands a good scratching as soon as I come home. My brother’s dog Lily isn’t happy until she has licked everyone’s face. Lally boxes — and she recently accidentally tagged a male friend of mine in a very delicate area! The first … Continue reading

Blast Your Workout: Jump Roping

Do you remember jumping rope when you were a kid? You could jump rope by yourself or with others. There were plenty of rhymes and rope jumping songs you could sing or chant to keep you motivated on course for getting the most number of jumps in your jump roping routine. One of my favorites is one my daughter likes to chant now: Cinderella went upstairs to kiss her fella, she made a mistake and kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take: 1, 2, 3, 4 … The point was to jump with each syllable in the words … Continue reading

Dog Breeds: Boxer

That infamous underbite. Those droopy cheeks. The square, compact body. Let’s talk about Boxers! My Lally is a boxer mix, and she definitely has some of the physical AND personality traits of the breed. Who has an underbite? Lally Beeber does! She is a Boxer/Shar-pei mix. Boxers are in the Working Group of dogs. And you can tell — these dogs are full of energy and eager to please. They are very hearing-focused. Lally drives us nuts, reacting to things that the humans (and her brother Moose) don’t perceive. Her ears are always working. Around family and friends, boxers are … Continue reading