Go Global for Earth Day

Earth Day is next Tuesday and if you are looking for ways to embrace the environment you might consider traveling to the world’s foremost eco-friendly destinations. Some of the most “green” lodgings on the planet are offering amazing discounts for environmentally aware visitors through the end of the month. Take a look: COSTA RICA For just $110 per night you can stay in one of the world’s premier green destinations. Costa Rica is known as the Switzerland of Central America for the way it preserves its natural wonders and Luna Lodge is the place to stay if you want to … Continue reading

Exotic Budget Hotels

How much is too much to spend on a hotel room? If you dropped a bundle to jet off to an exotic vacation destination then you may be looking for ways to save some dough on your hotel room. The following lodgings are offering rooms for $100 or less. And the best part: you won’t have to sacrifice comfort or cleanliness if you plan to take advantage of these cost saving accommodations. BRAZIL Rooms at Pousada do Caju are located just 500 feet from the ocean. When you aren’t swimming in the sea you can take a dive in the … Continue reading

What To Know About Carnival in Rio Before You Go

Even if you have never attended in person you likely know that Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival holds the title of the greatest party on Earth. If you enjoy pre-Lenten blowouts that feature hordes of sweaty, scantily clad bodies, food, music, parades, and outrageous costumes then you probably already have your plane tickets to Rio in hand. But, before you hop on your flight there are a few things you should know about this massive five-day-long raucous all-out bash that sweeps through the seaside city each February. First, if you don’t speak Portuguese now is a good time to take a … Continue reading

The Brazilian Bikini Body Program: 30 Days to a Sexier Body and Mind

This book was recently released by Regina Joseph and, for those of you looking for a change of pace in the diet arena, this is it. This is a guide to losing weight Brazilian style. While it may sound like a great adventure for many of us to embark upon, especially in North America where it is getting colder every day and the snow clouds are winding up in time for Christmas. At the heart of Ms. Joseph’s system is a philosophy of getting around the same old stale diet and exercise that conventional wisdom touts and incorporating some fire … Continue reading

That’s One Big Baby

How much did your children weigh at birth? My daughter weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Not bad, considering she was born about two weeks ahead of schedule. Prior to giving birth I had bet my husband that she would weigh in at about 8 pounds. Had she stayed tight until her actual due date I may have been able to cash in on that bet. I thought about my daughter’s birth weight the other day when I heard about the Brazilian mother who recently gave birth to one of the area’s largest babies. According to news … Continue reading