Star Updates: Brokeback the Musical and Leno Rescues McMahon

BROKEBACK THE MUSICAL Hey, if they can do it for “Little House on the Prairie” then why not “Brokeback Mountain?” The love story portrayed on the big screen will soon be revived and sung in one of the nation’s largest theaters thanks to the New York City Opera. The group just commissioned Charles Wuorinen to compose the music for the opera, which will be based on the Academy Award-winning film. Much like the popular movie, which starred Jake Gyllenhaal and the late Heath Ledger, the opera will follow the 20-year love affair of two cowboys who share a secret romance … Continue reading

Heath Ledger Movies See Record Sales

Have you watched a Heath Ledger movie since his untimely death was announced Tuesday? If you have you aren’t alone. I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that Ledger’s tragic death has spiked sales and interest in the films that made him a star. According to, three of Ledger’s movies were listed among the 25 best-selling DVDs on the website as of last night. The top seller of the three is Ledger’s 1999 comedy “10 Things I Hate About You” and his 2001 period action flick “A Knight’s Tale.” Others have been purchasing copies of 2005’s “Brokeback … Continue reading

Movie Viewing — And Talking With Your Kids About It

I read Janet McMonagle’s post “Brokeback Media”, which I thought was very interesting. The headmaster of the Christian school where Michelle Willams once attended was asked if his school was acknowledging Williams’s Oscar nomination for Brokeback Mountain, and his comments about the film promoting a lifestyle that the school opposes have caused some controversy. I won’t repeat Janet’s post. What interests me is the fact that the headmaster’s comments have probably spurred more interest among the students in seeing the film than had these comments not been made. That’s part of human nature I suppose. You tell a teenager not … Continue reading