The Top 10 Small Business Insurance Do’s and Don’ts

The Do’s this is a quick list for the things every small business owner wants to consider when it becomes important to insure for the risks we need to have covered. #1 Think about the insurance issues during the start-up process of your new business and have applications and insurance policies issued when needed. If there are partners be sure to ask for a buy-sell agreement and use life insurance to fund the agreement in the event one of the partners were to die. #2 Find an Insurance agent who can service all of your small business and personal lines … Continue reading

Small Business Insurance: Basics

Most business need a certain amount of Insurance in order to protect their company from liability or other risks. A new small business might need just a few key insurance policies in order to safely start and conduct business. But, as a company grows or employs more workers other insurance products and policies are going to be important. Some of the Key Business Insurance Products Growing Business Might Need: Business Overhead Expense Insurance: This is like business disability. The policy is designed to pay the costs of a business when the business owner is disabled. Business Life Insurance: Is Life … Continue reading