Podcasting is So Cool! Imagine!

Inspired by Whit Larson of the popular MormonMomCast, I browsed the podcasts available in the LDS category on iTunes and found the anti-Mormon podcasts far outnumbered the actual LDS podcasts. Ever the proponent of the gospel and literacy in the home, an idea began percolating in my head. As I went about the duties of my daily life the idea took on a life of its own and within weeks I began putting together the idea of podcast. First, I think I was the only one in the world who had no idea what a podcast was until I ran … Continue reading

The “Easy” Life of a Writer

You know; the writing process is not an easy thing. I’ve heard people say, “Wow, you’ve got the easiest job ever.” I have to laugh, because that is far more socially acceptable than smacking them in the face. Let me give you a rundown of my average day: 4:30 a.m. – Wake up, stumble to the computer and sit there yawning while the thing boots up. Open WordPerfect and write daily blogs for www.families.com. 5:30 a.m. – Blogs must be finished and work must begin on current books, two of which are currently in the works with one having a … Continue reading

My Secret Wish

For as long as I can remember, I have had a secret wish, an untold goal if you will, to own a bookstore with a marvelous little café included. Not trendy like Borders or Barnes and Noble, but homey, friendly, even inviting. Of course it would have the catchiest of names and I’d want it to be a haven for the reader and the author. I want to host monthly author readings and Q&A’s, I want to hold book launch parties, I want to host book groups and children’s hours. I want the best chef to be in charge of … Continue reading

My Day on the World Stage

In 1993 the opportunity arrived for me to shut up or put up. There was a woman by the name, or rather using the name, of Deborah Laake. She’d written a book called “Secret Ceremonies: Diary of a Mormon Wife” – a work of pure and sad delusion. This poor woman, if she told the complete truth, was at the mercy of a father who took unrighteous dominion to new levels. Whatever the perceived truth, she became extremely disenchanted with the church and proceeded to betray every covenant she’d half-heartedly made with the Lord. Where do I come in? Well, … Continue reading

An Interview with Top-Selling Author Jennie Hansen

Okay, I’ve gone a little crazy with interviews and have thus determined to post an interview every Monday morning – pace myself, so to speak. Today I’d like to share the interview I did with top-selling LDS author, Jennie Hansen. The author of such books as The Bracelet, Code Red and many, many more, she is a prolific writer who has risen to the top of her craft. From her website, we learn a little bit about her background: “Jennie Hansen graduated from Ricks College in Idaho, then continued her education at Westminster College in Utah after her oldest child … Continue reading

Just Who is Candace E. Salima?

So, I’m thinking to myself. Maybe I should interview myself – hey, I’m writing these BLOGS, I’m an author and maybe you should know a little more about me. My bio paints a pretty clear picture of my background, on a surface level. But I’m going to ask myself the same questions I’m asking others. So here we go: 1. What prompted you to become a writer? My mother taught us how to read before we hit kindergarten. I can’t remember a time when books weren’t an integral part of my life. As a child my reading interests were in … Continue reading

My Top Ten Book List – For Now

I guess you’ve figured out by now that I love to read. But I also love listening to music, going to movies and a great football game. But for today, I’m going to give you my Top Ten List for books. There are three categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction and Religious Non-Fiction so I’ll go ahead, be a little obsessive and give you my Top Ten of both. Most are within the LDS category, but not all. I will never recommend anything that is not appropriate to read with the family. Fiction #10: All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriott (although … Continue reading

Filling the Well Within When it’s Been Sucked Dry

Chocolate, Pedicures and a Great Book Week after week goes by and you meet yourself coming and going, giving yourself a nod as you race by. There are faint memories of sunny days, family barbecues, plays and concerts all residing somewhere in the distant recesses of your memory. Family, church, friends, job – everybody needs their piece of your pie. Your mind races constantly, never at rest, with everything you must accomplish before imaginary or real deadlines. You trip over every thing in your path, even a crack in the sidewalk and drop everything you pick up. The doctor tells … Continue reading