New Year’s Day Most Popular Day For Car Thefts

New Year’s Day, January 1, is the day when the most cars are stolen in the United States. This means that a lot of people are going to be making police reports and insurance claims on New Year’s Day. Fortunately, there are some simple, common sense, things that you can do to avoid having your vehicle stolen today. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, or NCIB, there were 2,760 vehicle thefts on January 1, 2009. More vehicle thefts took place on that day than on any other holiday in 2009. Halloween of 2009 had 2,325 vehicle thefts, which means … Continue reading

The Downside of Owning a Honda

Honda owners don’t need me to tell them that their vehicles are in high demand… among car thieves. In previous blogs I shared the sad tales of my Honda owner brother’s repeat rip offs. He’s learned his lesson the hard way and is now looking to get rid of his Honda and invest in a new Nissan Titan truck. And not a moment too soon. If you own a Honda or know someone who does then you might be interested in this next true story. Police in Yakima, Washington are currently investigating a case where 11 Hondas were stolen in … Continue reading

Interesting News About Auto Thefts, Are You Driving a Target?

An Associated Press report released on March 21, 2007 brought up some interested issues about the increasing number of U.S. autos being stolen in Canada, especially in Montreal where a large number of New Englanders drive over for fun in the big city. Apparently the Canadian officials believe the increase theft of U.S. cars may be due to the recent insurance standards Canada has established about Auto Anti-Theft devices. The Canadian Auto Theft Deterrent Standard was created following extensive research all over the world. The research indicated the most effective anti-theft deterrent system for automobiles are electronic immobilizers. With the … Continue reading