Comparing Online Pet Sites: Dogster and Catster vs.

Move over Dogster and Catster, there’s a new pet website in town: What’s the difference between Dogster and Catster and Not much in some respects. They both allow you to create a website of sorts for your pets where you can post pictures and video. You can join online communities and make friends, and both have contests you can enter. And they both offer pet-related content about products and services. (PetPop’s aren’t all up yet, though. Some parts of the site are still works in progress.) And that’s where they differ a little. The “’Ster” family of websites … Continue reading

Free Gift For Dogster and Catster Members

If you have a Dogster or Catster membership — check this freebie out! Dogster and Catster have joined forces with Shutterfly — one of those online photo hosting services. Shutterfly offers a whole bunch of ways to share and display your pictures (pet or otherwise). If you are a Dogster or Catster member, Shutterfly is going to give you a free photo book! It’s 20 pages of pictures (you can add more pages for $1 each if you want) with hard covers and loads of backgrounds and layouts to choose from. (I’m fond of the “Azure” and “Verde” layouts, myself … Continue reading

Dogster and Catster

I’ve mentioned Dogster and Catster before — these websites let you make pages about your own pets! It’s tons of fun picking and posting pictures, writing up your pets’ biographies, and even writing a diary for your fur babies. Joining and posting on these sites is totally free. But as Dogster and Catster grow, the sites offer more and more! Each month, one lucky pet who joins Dogster or Catster Plus (a paid membership) wins a pet insurance policy for a year. The Plus membership lets you do more with your pets’ web pages if you so desire; you get … Continue reading