Stopping Payment on a Check

You may be in a situation when you need to place a stop payment on a check that you have written. There are a few legitimate reasons why you may decide to place a stop payment: a lost or stolen check or failure to provide goods or services as promised. It is fairly easy to stop payment on a check, but you need to act promptly. If the bank has already processed the check, then you do not have any recourse. To stop payment on a check you will need to go to your local branch and fill out the … Continue reading

Checking Accounts- Joint or Separate?

When two people unite, everything is 50/50 right? When a couple gets married I usually hear the saying, “what’s yours is mine”. So how does this work for money? I know many married couples from work and around the community where I live. With many different couples, there are many different ideas about sharing money in a marriage. Some couples are more willing to unite as one when it comes to their money. Other couples like for things to remain separate. Some couples I know follow the 50/50 rule to a tee. They have one checking account and both persons … Continue reading

Choosing the Right Bank for You

If you are new to the area or opening your first checking account, you should do some research. Different banks offer different accounts. It is important to look for hidden fees (they really do exist) and other benefits that the accounts can offer you. You should also take into account convenience of locations and/or ATMs as this may affect your choice depending on your account. Here are five steps to making the right choice for a checking account for you. 1) First you need to go online or go to the different banks and credit unions that you are considering … Continue reading

What to Do When Your Checkbook Is Stolen

I know someone who left her purse in the car, while she went in to an aerobics class at her gym. She came out an hour and a half later to find that her car had been broken into, and her purse stolen. She had the checkbook and her credit cards in the purse. She immediately called and began the process of reporting the incident to the police, and to her bank. She later found out that in that 90 minutes they had managed to spend thousands of dollars. It seems this theft was completed by a group who split … Continue reading

Overdrawn? Now What?

It can happen to anyone, suddenly you realize that you have overdrawn your checking account, and you are left wondering what to do. It can be a real shock to realize that you have overdrawn, but then the fees start piling up, and before you know it you are in a very deep hole. If you have overdrawn your account, and it is the first time you have done this, you should go to your bank and ask them to waive the charges. If you are polite about this, (meaning sickeningly sweet) you should be able to have the charges … Continue reading

Teaching Teens to Balance a Checkbook

One of the most important things you can teach your children about managing money is to balance their checkbook. It is a common misconception that you can simply find out your balance by calling the bank and finding out how much is in your account. They can tell you that, but items may not have cleared, and so you do not have a clear picture of what money you actually have available to you. You can teach your children to balance their account in five easy steps. 1) First you need to teach them to write don or track all … Continue reading