Update on the Chris Benoit Tragedy

Maybe wrestling fans finally have an answer to why one of the favorites unexpectedly freaked out. Beloved WWE Superstar Chris Benoit shocked the wrestling world when he killed his wife, son, and then took his own life earlier this year. People wanted to blame it on steroids – roid rage as it is called. But, after the tragedy happened, I read a news blurb from a former wrestler who said he thought it was brain damage brought about by repeated concussions. I only read that one article on that theory, but now it seems as if it may be true. … Continue reading

The People on Television

I grew up with television. I mean literally television to this day comforts me. When it is on, it is as if an old friend has come over to the house. But, I have a problem. I take everything I see at face value. This whole Chris Benoit thing has really messed me up this week. First, we heard he, his wife, and seven-year-old son were dead. I must guiltily admit that after I heard they were found in their home, I thought maybe someone had snapped and killed the family. And I don’t mean someone from outside the home. … Continue reading

WWE Superstar Chris Benoit: 1967 – 2007

I think I have mentioned it here before, but I have a secret…I am a closet wrestling fan. Yes, I know it is not real, but neither are television shows or movies and I love those just the same. I grew up watching wrestling. Seriously, I was a teen when Jerry “The King” Lawler, now an announcer for the WWE, was in his wrestling heyday. My husband started watching wrestling later in life than I did. He was in his thirties when he was conned into watching it by his then-roommate. But, shortly thereafter, he was hooked too. We didn’t … Continue reading