The Community of Christ Within the Larger Community

Have you ever heard that catchy expression, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.” What does that mean to you? For us, it meant a life altering decision to live in the inner city. Our church is unique in a lot of ways, but one thing that sets us apart is that most of us live within a 4 block radius of each other. This is not at all to say that it is a requirement to do this to be in our church. . .but that as a body we have a vision to reach … Continue reading

Why should a Christian always carry their Bible?

The Bible. It is the most precious and valuable book in this world, yet there are many Christians who do not treat it as such. I know at times I have been guilty of treating the Bible as an ordinary book, when it simply is not an ordinary book. A Christian should carry their Bible because it is the Word of God A Christian should carry their Bible because it is the Christian’s guide to how they live their life. A Christian should carry their Bible so they are always ready and prepared to share God’s Word with others. A … Continue reading

The Pure Life

The older I get, and the more experiences I have as a Christian living in a sinful world, the more I realize that a life as a Christian is a clean, pure life. The Christian life is pure and clean because Christians live to a higher standard than the world. Christians live their lives in obedience to the Lord. Consider a comparison of a Christian life and a worldly life. The Christian life is filled with wholesome speech and does not contain cursing. The Christian’s speech is encouraging to those around them and filled with thankfulness and praise toward God. … Continue reading

The Faithful Christian Life

In my previous blog I wrote about what the Bible teaches is necessary to become a Christian. This blog will focus on the importance of living the faithful life after becoming a Christian. A verse that always comes to mind when I am thinking about living a faithful life as a Christian is Revelation 2:10 which states: “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Although within the context the passage is talking about those who might be put to death because of their obedience to Christ, this passage indicates the necessity of remaining faithful … Continue reading

The Christian Work Ethic in Life

Colossians 3:23 states: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” This statement in Colossians really digs deep into the Christian’s soul; it looks at the heart of a Christian’s attitude toward everything he does in life. Christians should have the dedication to work hard, not because they want to be seen by the world, but because they love God and want to obey Him. Working ‘as for men’ is easy. Unfortunately we are all too capable of being a hard-worker when the boss is around, but not when he leaves the room. Working for … Continue reading