Husband and Wife- Backbone of the Family

What role does the marriage play in the Christian family? If you read my previous book review, “Home-Making” you will know that the author of it feels that marriage is the backbone of the family. I agree. When two people come together, vow to love one another, support one another, and remain together until death, a family is formed. Children are a blessed addition to the already established family. Once children do come along, it’s easy to neglect this special relationship between the husband and wife. We hear about “Empty nest syndrome” all the time. Suddenly the children are grown … Continue reading

Christian Families in the Community

Do you have fond childhood memories of that one neighborhood house where all the kids would end up playing? I do. There was always Hi C and cookies and we knew that we were welcomed there. Once I became a mother, I decided that I wanted my house to be that place. A big part of the reason why is because I want to know who my children are playing with and what is going on. The other reason is because my husband and I wanted to reach out and be a family to the kids who needed one. There … Continue reading

“Home-Making” Book Review

I would like to tell you about a gem of a book. It’s called Home-Making it was written by Reverend J.R. Miller way back in 1892. This is what I call, “An oldie, but a goodie.” In this book Rev. Miller explores what a Christian home should be like. He starts by addressing married life. He says, “Back of the home lies marriage. The wedding day throws it’s shadow far down the future.” In other words, the foundation of a Christian family and a Christian home begins with the marriage of mom and dad. He talks about the sacredness and … Continue reading

Maundy Thursday

Today I will give you some ideas about ways to celebrate Maundy Thursday. In a former blog about Easter traditions, I shared that Maundy Thursday is when we remember Jesus’ last supper with His disciples. Many families will have a traditional Passover or Seder dinner to remember this. Passover is when the Jewish people remember what happened right before the Pharaoh let the Children of Israel leave Egypt. You can read about this in Exodus 12. It was after celebrating the Passover meal that Jesus was arrested. A Seder dinner is an interesting experience. There are special foods that are … Continue reading

Teach Your Children Why

All of my best thoughts hit me at about 2:00 a.m. and the one that hit me last night was, “Family devotions are not all that significant.” (Pause here for effect.) Did I just here a pin drop? Read on and you will see my train of thought. I am a Christian mother and my greatest desire is for my children to know God and to walk in His ways. I do not want kids who just obey the rules. I want them to understand the heart behind the rules. As parents it is easy to tell our kids what … Continue reading

Religious traditions and what they symbolize

This past week I was working on an assignment for my local newspaper and my curiosity was peeked. My assignment was to call the local churches and find out what their Easter plans were. I did not grow up in a traditional church and I have never been sure what Holy Week and Lent were all about. I never knew why people wore ashes on their forehead on Ash Wednesday and I often wondered why people brought home palms, on Palm Sunday. I decided that it was high time I learned about this stuff, so I’ve been doing a little … Continue reading

Celebrate Jesus Day (A.K.A. Easter)

Easter is coming up and once again my husband and I find our selves wondering how we can make this a special and memorable day for our children. This holiday, tainted though it’s been by commercialism, goddesses and egg laying bunnies, is a real opportunity to teach our kids about Jesus’ sacrifice. The challenge for us has been coming up with unique ways to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. A couple of thoughts occur to me. First, what my family celebrates is quite different than the holiday, Easter. I’ve heard some Christians call it Resurrection Day. I guess it’s a … Continue reading

Gather Round’ the Table

I had a conversation with a Proverbs 31 woman this past weekend. She’s 89 years young. She has a picture of herself parasailing, which was taken 3 years ago. She is also quite computer savvy. I started to explain what a blog was and she said, “Oh, I know what a blog is!” She is a woman who has lived an extraordinary life and continues to do so. I will be sharing bits and pieces of our chat for years to come. The part I wanted to share today has to do with the topic Lisa and I have been … Continue reading

Favorite Devotion Books

As promised, I am going to list some family devotion books that I recommend. Most of these my family has used. The ones that we haven’t used have been given high marks by some of my friends. First of all, more than any devotion, I recommend reading the Bible with your children. Help them hide God’s word in their heart while they are young. I have recommended these books before. This time I am attaching links. My family loves Egermeier’s Bible Story Book. It is accurate and the stories are in chronological order. The stories are well told. They are … Continue reading

Family Devotions

If your family is as busy as mine, you know that it is difficult to set aside time to do family devotions. It is, however, vital to a Christian family. As parents, it’s our job to teach our children about God and to help them love His word. During devotion time we do these things. For my family, we have done it differently at different times. Our church used to meet on Saturday evening, so we would use Sunday morning to do family worship. My husband learned to strum a few kids’ worship songs on his guitar and we would … Continue reading