Recovering from Christmas Spending

Christmas has come and gone, and you have spent all that you planned to. Did you stay in budget or did you go over? Did your expenses in other areas increase as you ran around to attend all the necessary holiday events? Have you already planned for your New Year’s Eve expenses? It is time to take a step back and evaluate what you can do better next year and to get your budget back on track. Here are four areas to consider. 1) Did you stay on budget for your Christmas presents? If you went over were there any … Continue reading

Balancing Christmas Spending and Giving

Christmas shopping is well under way. Black Friday has come and gone. It is interesting that the day that most stores finally make a profit is the day that many consumers begin to increase their debt through holiday spending. People crowd the stores intent on finding the deal that will allow them to purchase items they otherwise couldn’t afford. There is a pressure to spend money during the holiday season that doesn’t exist through the rest of the year. It is nice to be able to give to others and to provide your children with a nice Christmas. It is … Continue reading