Who’s In Your Christmas Card Photo?

I got into this discussion with my fellow playgroup moms a few days ago. One of the moms decided to save on postage and handed out her Christmas cards to all of us during our weekly gathering. I opened mine right away and complimented her on getting a great shot of her kids lined up in front of the Christmas tree. (Any parent knows that’s no easy task when you have five kids under the age of 10.) The compliment was soon followed by inquiries by other moms wondering why said mom and her husband were not in the shot. … Continue reading

Electronic Holiday Greetings – a Fun Project For the Family

For the past few years we’ve been sending our Christmas greetings online. And yes, it saves a lot of time and money. But the main reason is that it’s so much fun. We pick about fifteen or so pictures that represent what our year was about. It takes the family a couple of hours of browsing through the photos. While we browse we laugh and remember. Many years ago we used to make a photo collage out of our pictures and copy them. We’d insert the photos into the cards and mail them. A few years ago my computer wizard … Continue reading

Christmas Cards, Letters, or Pictures: Which Represents You as a Couple?

Our first Christmas as a married couple, which would have been December 1995, I started the tradition of sending out Christmas cards for both Wayne and I. Back then I picked cards with funny or clever pictures, wrote a short, quick note to the recipients, and mailed them. Christmas 1999 marked the first time I attempted a Christmas letter, which I’d previously never had much respect for. Most of the ones we received painted an entirely too rosy picture of friends and family living entirely too perfect lives. We knew the letters meant well but were stretching things a bit. … Continue reading

Simple Christmas Card Decorations

If you have not been saving Christmas cards, now is as good a time as any to start. You can also look for inexpensive boxed sets at dollar stores. I picked some up recently at two boxes for $1.00 (these are likely last year’s designs put on sale to make room for new ones, but they work). For a mantel or a shelf, you can arrange bare branches or (real or artificial) pine boughs along the length. Drape with tiny white lights. Then, tuck in Christmas cards as you receive them or use some you already have. It makes a … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: December 3 – 9

This week, Marjorie started us off with, Your Holiday Notebook: Part Three, continuing her series on holiday organization. Michele finished up the week with, Inexpensive Ways To Set A Festive Holiday Kids’ Table, which included some fun ideas. We also talked about letters to Santa, Seeing Santa, and Sending Christmas Cards, as well as some decorating tips for the holidays. There were also some terrific tips for cleaning everything from pots and pans to coffee makers and other small appliances. We’ve all been pretty busy, so the list is a little shorter this week. You have probably been busy as … Continue reading

Christmas Cards – Don’t Forget the Beauty of Them

We send Christmas cards to friends and family around the country and the world to show them how much we care – but I think sometimes that we take Christmas cards for granted and we pick out the one with the pretty picture and we rush through them signing our names and sticking them in an envelope and we forget how truly personal we can make a Christmas card and that the real meaning of the card is an I Love You and I am thinking of you – and isn’t that the real meaning of Christmas? Choose Your Cards … Continue reading

Sending Christmas Cards

Do you faithfully send out Christmas cards each year? Maybe this is the first time you plan to send them. Either way, there are some great cards out there from which to choose. You can buy themed sets pre-packaged with matching envelopes or you can purchase individual cards. Maybe you opted for family portrait cards. Those are my favorite kind. You can also print cards from your computer. Most desktop publishing programs offer a greeting card setup. With this option, you can make your own family photo cards with just a snapshot. There are various places, both online shops and … Continue reading

Popular Actor Lends Support To U.S. Troops… Just In Time For The Holidays

He’s best known in Hollywood for his roles in “Mary Tyler Moore” and “Lou Grant,” but to thousands of U.S. service men and women serving overseas Ed Asner is better known for his role as a holiday goodwill ambassador. The actor is rallying the “troops” (you, me and the rest of the nation) to help make this holiday a bit brighter for American troops stationed abroad, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Asner is asking all of us to take part in a national “Cards for Troops” campaign: “During the holiday season there’s no better way to lift the troops’ spirits … Continue reading

Have a Merry, Organized Holiday: Part One

It is likely that whatever gods there may or may not be would surely strike me dead for daring to write about the topic of organization. In all fairness, I have many good qualities, but organization is alas, not among them. I have improved over the years as life has forced me to keep bills in places I am likely to find them (like other people’s homes) but the impulse for “the disorganization boogie” is always waiting in the wings, ready to dance to the night away. But here are some tips anyway from a non-authority (the best kind) on … Continue reading