Christmas Showdown: Parents vs. Toy Packaging

Some call it “wrap rage,” others call it a nuisance; I like to refer to it as a parent’s worst nightmare. Moms and dads with young children, you know the pain I am describing: The agony of liberating new toys from their plastic packaging. It used to be that on Christmas morning all a parent needed nearby was a camera, a pad and pen to jot down who gave what to whom, and maybe, maybe, a single pair of scissors to release a few stubborn pieces of tape. (Though, if someone in the family had sharp teeth you could skip … Continue reading

Don’t let Danger Dampen your Holiday Spirit

Being concerned about toy safety brought me to the point where I was becoming afraid to donate toys to less fortunate children, because I would never forgive myself if I ended up donating a dangerous toy. However, there are children out there that will not have much of a Christmas, or any Christmas at all, if others don’t donate holiday items for them and their families. Here are some ideas, if you tend to share the same concerns: Give Art Supplies Paper and crayons are great and give children the opportunity to be creative. While it’s difficult to choose brands … Continue reading

Product Recalls: Toy Safety Information

With all the lead paint concerns and other recall issues on toys and other products, it’s become a bit daunting to shop for Christmas gifts for little ones. With the Christmas shopping season in full swing, it pays to have as much information as possible before purchasing toys for children on our lists. While some stores have recall notices right in the toy aisle (and often aisle after aisle of such notices) notes taped to shelves aren’t too reassuring. Here are some other sources of toy safety information that will hopefully help us make safer choices: CPSC Toy Hazard Recalls … Continue reading

The Evolution Of Barbie

Is anyone in your family requesting a Barbie for Christmas? If so, he or she isn’t alone. In a recent survey of parents done by the National Retail Federation Barbie ranked as the top toy for girls this holiday season (TMX Elmo was first for boys). The news came as a surprise to some analysts who have been watching sales of the doll slump in recent years, as they did at the beginning of the women’s movement in early 1970s – when toy consultants say “girls weren’t supposed to just go to the prom and marry Ken.” I grew up … Continue reading