Family Traditions

One area that we were asked about during our Home Study was what family traditions we had or that we would like to do with our children, and also what the extended family thought about them. We had never really given any thought to it so this made us actually sit down and have a great discussion about traditions and the holidays. We started by making a list of the different major holidays and then started talking about what each of us did growing up and what parts of that did we want to make as our own traditions. You … Continue reading

Decorating Together

Finally it’s starting to look a little like Christmas. The nativity scene, which is always first up and the last item packed away, went up a few days ago. It’s in the lounge room near the fornt hall where people will see it as soon as they come in. It’s a ceramic set we’ve had for many years and still one of the nicest I’ve ever seen. Yet, it had not been a major expense, unlike some Mick and I saw recently. One that we both liked was made out of what looked like carved glass. It was magnificent. But … Continue reading

What About Santa?

On Saturday we had sirens blaring as fire truck and police trundled down our street. No, not a disaster, it was Santa in the fire truck waving and throwing out sweets to the neighborhood children that flocked out to greet him. It happens every year in our neighborhood. What place does Santa have in the Christian’s Christmas? Does he have a place at all? In a recent newsletter about writing for children I saw an article about Britain and the new range of comics called Christmas Crackers. These comics feature Santa and snowmen integrated into the Nativity story. These were … Continue reading

Marriage Christmas Traditions

Mick had his turn of looking after me, now it’s my turn to look after him. On Sunday night we went to carols at the beach. Despite the heat of the day and the fact it’s summer here in Australia, that evening turned quite cold and windy. Next thing, Mick’s come down with all the snuffles, aches and pains of flu symptoms. He’s an easy patient to look after though. He’s spent the last few days on medicine and sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. I wish I could sleep like that when I’m sick, but I never can. Thankfully I’m now armed … Continue reading

Christmas Tree Traditions

Each American family seems to have their own Christmas tree tradition. Some decorate the tree with a hodgepodge of ornaments acquired through the years while some have a specific color and ornament scheme. Some families like the ease and convenience of an artificial tree while others prefer the tradition and smell of a real tree. But, did you know that there are different Christmas tree traditions throughout the world? Most think that we got the custom of the Christmas tree from the Germans. It is believed that Martin Luther was the first to bring a Christmas tree into the home. … Continue reading

A Fun Shopping Tradition

Yesterday my husband and I took our annual “day off”. We are both so busy we need this day to get our Christmas plans straight. It’s a great tradition. I know a lot of women do all the shopping by themselves. I like to include my husband. Particularly now that the boys are older they have a lot of technical gadgets, games and software on their lists. He knows which are worthwhile and he knows the best places to get those kinds of things. And I really feel like he should be the one to pick out gifts for his … Continue reading

A Christmas Party for Dolls and Stuffed Animals

Ever since I reviewed The Doll’s Christmas by Tasha Tudor over in the Media Review section of I’ve been thinking about the idea. The Doll’s Christmas is the story of some little girls hosting a pretend Christmas for their dolls. The holiday is complete with a special tea, gifts, a tree, and a Christmas play. Tasha Tudor based the book on her own family. She started the tradition of the doll’s Christmas when her own children were young and she needed a fun way to occupy them. Several years ago my twin boys wanted presents for their stuffed animals. … Continue reading

Fun Treats and Surprises For Advent Calendars

How can it be possible that December is two days away? I did some shopping this morning. I thought that 9:00 a.m. on a Thursday would be a great time to be shopping, that the stores would be empty. I was wrong; the toy aisle at Target was crowded even that early. The craft store nearby was packed, too. I didn’t find many large gifts, but I did some great things for advent calendars. Here are some ideas for advent calendar treats and surprises: – Individually wrapped gourmet chocolates or truffles. They are an indulgence, but last a long time … Continue reading

Advent Calendar Fun

I love advent calendars. There is just something magical about opening that little window or drawer. And it helps the children know how many days are left until Christmas. This past week I’ve been shopping for advent calendars and have been amazed at the variety. Some cost a few pennies and some are heirloom quality that cost more than our entire Christmas budget! The simplest calendars are really just Christmas countdowns. One idea is to make paper chains with the number of days left until Christmas written on the paper link. A paper plate can be turned into a Santa … Continue reading

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Barbara Robinson

What can I say about a book that begins with “The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world. They lied and stole and smoked cigars (even the girls) and talked dirty and hit little kids and cussed their teachers and took the name of the Lord in vain and set fire to Fred Shoemaker’s old broken-down toolhouse.” Would you believe that those two lines are from one of my favorite Christmas stories, or that it’s a story I read aloud to my children every year? The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson is a … Continue reading