Your Children and Your Less Active Spouse

It can be difficult to attend church when your spouse is less active. This can be a struggle on many levels. One area in particular is your children. There may come a time when one or more of your children begin to question whether or not they can stay home with the less active parent or attend church. Children may also struggle when lessons are taught about eternal families and the need for all members of the family to be active. It is important that you handle these issues as a team. You should sit down and speak to your … Continue reading

Staying on the Gospel Path

There may come a time in your life when you must consciously choose to continue to live the gospel. A point where you decide to go forward and live it or you turn away from it. I made the choice when I was eighteen. I was at a crossroads and I seriously considered walking away, but then I realized that I knew that the gospel was true. Since I knew that, I knew I needed to live it. More often though we are faced with the little day to day instances of whether or not we choose to live the … Continue reading