When Should You Leave a Church?

The other day we looked at the impossibility of finding a perfect church. In that blog and another one I suggested what to me, are the essential points to look for in a church. But when should you leave a church and move on to look for another spiritual home? It is a problem we have come up against several times in our lives. In our home bible study group we’ve been studying John’s letters. Last week we looked at 2 John and John’s love for those who were ‘walking in truth’ verse 4, as some in the church were. … Continue reading

Young Women: 5 Tips for Leaders

As a Young Women’s leader it is important to remember the influence that you have on the girls. The girls look up to and admire their leaders. The leaders are someone else that they can turn to with questions when they do not feel comfortable going to their parents. The example that you set can make a big difference in how the girls act and feel about themselves. While it is important to develop friendships with the girls, it is important to remember that you are the leader. Here are five things that you should focus on when you are … Continue reading