General Conference Videos Now Available

Do you want to review the talks from General Conference? Did you miss a session or fall asleep during a talk? You can hear and watch the video archives of conference now. The video streams are available for each session at the church’s website. Although you can not watch an individual talk, it is easy to fast forward and rewind until you find it. This is a great blessing to have the talks available now. Additionally the church had video streams from its website for the first time in many years. You can also use the video to supplement your … Continue reading

Information on the Church

Today I was visiting the church’s website looking for something new to write about. I stumbled upon the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, which is available online. This is a very interesting find. It covers many aspects of Mormonism, with self-reflective look at the culture and beliefs of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One of the best things about this book is that most of the authors are LDS and so you can learn from them what they really believe. Although the Encyclopedia is no longer available, you can access it online. It is still being update … Continue reading