Free Shipping Deals (1)

With Cyber Monday fast approaching, and retailers wanting to sell, sell, sell, you’ll find lots of free shipping deals and free shipping coupons in the Cyber stores. The free shipping deals are amazing, including even such large items as televisions and furniture. Some of the deals are limited. So, get your fingers ready to point, click and type, and check out the following stores for free shipping. Target is offering free shipping on toys and other select items. While this isn’t a store-wide free shipping event, the items that are eligible number around 30,000, so you can be sure to … Continue reading

Do Companies Actually Reward Loyalty and Longevity at a Job?

I just finished reading an article about Circuit City employees that were laid off because they were making too much money. This was not one or two random people who had been with the company for a long time, but instead 3,400 people who had been with Circuit City for years (think 15 -20 years.) In return for their loyalty to the company and the fact that they were sticking with a job that usually has high turnover (retail sales positions at a big box store is usually considered an entry-level job, and as a result has very high turnover) … Continue reading