Fashion Trends

One issue that some people have with inter-racial adoption is that Caucasian parents are unable to help an African American child understand and embrace their heritage and racial identity. We have tried very hard to make sure that every area of our lives is racially blended. We have tried to be all inclusive in our lives however there are some parts of the younger generation that I do not feel comfortable with allowing our kids to participate in. There are some fashion trends that tend to follow racial lines that I do not feel comfortable with allowing anyone in my … Continue reading

Celebrity Fashion Trends–Would You Wear It?

I will be the first to admit that I am no fashion expert. But, it doesn’t stop me from commenting on what other people are wearing. Not so much the people I see on the street or in the mall; I usually reserve my critiques for trend setting celebrities who are prominently featured in popular fashion and entertainment magazines. (I find it’s safer for me to pick apart someone’s outfit when they are out of earshot.) I just picked up a magazine, which provided a list of the latest summer fashion trends. I was stunned to see what made “the … Continue reading