Why Are Comfort Foods So Comforting?

I’ve finally recovered from my virus (I think!), four days of fever haze and comfort foods. And now that I’m thinking clearly again, I’m wondering why comfort foods are so dang comforting? The general consensus seems to be that comfort foods bring up good, safe, happy childhood memories. They’re generally not fancy, not gourmet… they’re familiar, comfortable, and filling. My own comfort foods? Well, as soon as I started feeling sick, I asked my roommate to go to the store for ginger ale and orange juice. They’re my go-to sick drinks… almost definitely because that’s what Mom always gave me … Continue reading

Comfort Food Recipes

What’s your favorite comfort food? When I think of comfort food, dishes like pot roast, macaroni and cheese, soup and casseroles come to mind. We may have sprung ahead an hour this past weekend, but Old Man Winter still has our city firmly in his grasp. Consequently, I find myself digging out from under 7 inches of new snow, and digging around for some of my favorite comfort food recipes. Here are a couple of my top picks: CLASSIC CHICKEN CASSEROLE Ingredients: 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts Salt and pepper 1 jar dried beef (try Armour or Hormel) 6 strips … Continue reading

The Best Pear Crisp in the World

I’m not generally one to cook with pears. They never last long enough in our fridge to accumulate enough to make a really great pie or cobbler or crisp. But we had such luck last night and so a-baking I went. This filling is really inspired by a recipe I found in Family Fun Magazine. (Yes, you’ll notice I get quite a few recipes from there.) I like it because the ground ginger gives the dish a little kick. This is definitely a case where less is more, and when I experimented with adding other spices, I have to admit … Continue reading

Food Storage: Holiday Foods

Have you considered including holiday items in food storage? These items would most likely fit under comfort foods. However, it would be nice to have these foods available, especially if you are struggling financially. This can alleviate your worries, and free up some money for other expenses. Here are five items that you should consider including” 1) You should consider storing pie fillings. This can include canned pumpkin. You can also can homemade apple pie filling as well. If you like chocolate pies or cream pies, you should consider storing the pudding needed to make these pies. Crusts are fairly … Continue reading

Using Food Storage to Make Comfort Foods

As the weather begins to grow colder, many people begin to turn to the comfort foods that they love to eat. The hearty soups and stews, as well as heavier meals that keep us warm in the fall and winter. Many comfort foods are made from scratch or basic ingredients, so it is a great time to utilize your food storage. Many items also go on sale in the fall and winter, and it is a great time to stock up on them. Flour and sugar usually go on sale in the late fall, and canned vegetables will go on … Continue reading

Storing Comfort Foods

When you plan your food storage I highly recommend storing comfort food. Comfort food has a wide variety of definitions. I think mostly of the food that people eat in the winter such as meat and potatoes, and heavy chowders and stews. In an emergency or high stress situation comfort foods can be expanded to foods that your family eats to help them feel better. One type of comfort food is food, which you eat when you are sick. I think that chicken noodle soup is a common favorite. I grew up drinking Gatorade when I was sick and so … Continue reading