Community Colleges Gaining in Popularity

When it comes to higher education, community colleges haven’t enjoyed a great deal of admiration from the educational community. In days where having a four-year-degree is pretty much mandatory for business and a masters degree is even better, two-year colleges aren’t usually seen as the first choice for many students. But that perception is changing. Community colleges are gaining in popularity presently, and both students and parents are seeing the benefit of these colleges. The Associated Press is reporting an increase of community college enrollment of 8 percent this past fall. Why the change? Well in theory, it is probably … Continue reading

Homeschool Question: Can My Child Take Art Classes at Community College?

My renewed call for homeschooling questions resulted in a very good inquiry about homeschool high-school students taking summer classes at the local community college. The question is paraphrased below: DeeDee asks: My oldest daughter is 15 years old and will be finishing 9th grade in the next month or so. She is a very talented artist self taught artist with than 2 dozen sketchbooks full of good drawings, and now she has begun to paint as well. A homeschooled young lady in our neighborhood who told my daughter that she had taken some summer classes at the local Community College … Continue reading