Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers – Maria Covey Cole

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers by Maria Covey Cole is book written to help mothers who are struggling to find peace and happiness in their roles as mothers. Maria Covey Cole is the mother of five children and a homemaker. She speaks from experience. This book covered six different concepts or steps that every mother needs to master in order to find true contemned in her role as a mother. These concepts cover everything from trusting the Lord and gaining an eternal perspective to learning to be content in your current situation and learning to accept the Grace of … Continue reading

How to Find the Secret of Contentment

Do you struggle to find contentment in your life? We’ve all heard about the age old line about the grass being greener elsewhere. But sadly people often find out after they’ve tried it, after they’ve broken up a marriage or moved house or changed job or whatever it might be that is causing their discontent, that this is not the case. A simpler solution rather than chasing new experiences is to learn to be content in the situation we are in, which often appears easier said than done. So how can you find contentment? Is it even possible? The apostle … Continue reading

Dealing With Jealousy – part 2

Yesterday we looked at some reasons for jealousy. But what of you are jealous of someone’s appearance? If you are jealous of another person because of their appearance, stop and analyze your own good qualities. These may include good cheekbones, a smile that lights up your face, expressive eyes, a good figure, a beautiful head of hair, etc. Whatever your best features are, try and make the best of them and draw attention away from those areas you do not consider to be as attractive. If is because of their appearance you need to realize you are never going to … Continue reading

Not Ecstatic About Being a Single Parent? How About Settling For Content?

I know that not everyone comes willingly to life as a single parent, or feels like jumping for joy at the prospect of facing another school conference, or band concert, or parent’s night as a solo parent. Many of us never imagined in a million years that we would be parenting alone, while others may still be getting used to the reality. So, maybe you’re not thrilled at ecstatic about being a single parent and maybe you never will be—but you could at least shoot for developing a sense of contentment… Carrying the burden of bitterness and resentment can get … Continue reading

Who’s Really Happy?

A study was conducted early in 2006 by Pew Research Center to determine which people were happiest. Though the study finds that most people seem to be happy (84 percent total), 34 percent in the study were said to be very happy which is what the following percentages will reflect within. No surprise to me, the happiest people seem to be those who are married, have children, attend church regularly, are Conservative, and have a middle class or higher income. The study was conducted by over 3,000 telephone interviews across the Untied States in both English and Spanish. The margin … Continue reading


So many work hard to outdo and outshine. For some reason there is so much focus on vanity around us. You see it on the cover of magazines and on television. It wasn’t too long ago that I felt like I wasn’t worth much without the designer labels, big house, the high-end designer handbags, designer jewelry, high end wristwatches, luxury cars… I even had to wear expensive make-up. Even with a lot of nice things, anyone who knows me could tell you I looked like a plain, ordinary mom. Nothing fancy at all. None of these things ever accentuated the … Continue reading


Biblical joy is somewhat different from the meaning of the word used in today’s society. Joy has almost become synonymous with being truly happy. However, in the Bible the words joy and happiness are not always the same thing. A Biblical joy can be defined as contentment in every situation because of the confidence a Christian can have in the Lord. Christians are even to rejoice when they are suffering for the name of Christ. Here are a few verses on Biblical joy and rejoicing. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4) “You make known … Continue reading

The Whole Duty of Man

Previously I wrote about how man cannot be truly satisfied by money, but that true satisfaction and contentment only come through obedience to the Lord. I want to further expand on the concept that true satisfaction in life comes through the Lord. True contentment cannot be found in any earthly thing from earthly riches to earthly wisdom. The book of Ecclesiastes is a very revealing book of the Bible, especially when dealing with the focus of man’s life. Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived on earth except for Jesus. (2nd Chronicles 1:11-12) In Ecclesiastes … Continue reading

The Love of Money

While I was working on another blog entry I came across the following verse from Ecclesiastes 5:10: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity.” This axiom is so true. One can never be satisfied by seeking after any worldly thing, including money. Unfortunately, money always seems to have too much control over people’s lives. The desire for money is one of Satan’s most powerful tools in today’s world. We live in a society that teaches that the success of a man is measured by the … Continue reading