Getting it Wrong.

When you look at the bible, are you encouraged when you see how often the disciples got it wrong? I am. It assures me God won’t give up on me when I get it wrong, any more than he did with them. In Matthew 18:1 the disciples came to Jesus with the question, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ I wonder what answer the disciples were expecting. Whatever it was, I bet it wasn’t the answer they got. How often does the Lord answer our questions and our prayers in a way we don’t expect? Jesus called … Continue reading

Vacation Times

Vacation times are a great opportunity for God’s people to become involved in the community. Are you prepared to give up some of your vacation time, perhaps one week, to reach others with the gospel? Each year in January in two areas of Sydney, a mission known as The Green Tent operates. The Green Tent provides a service certainly for working parents who can safely leave children in supervised care. But more importantly the aim of those from the churches involved is to present children with the gospel message in a fun and varied atmosphere that includes bible stories, games, … Continue reading

Strange Attitudes Towards Children’s Ministry

Children’s ministry can evoke strange attitudes. In some churches the attitude seems to be anyone can undertake children’s ministry. After all, how hard can it be to keep them amused for the time their parents are in church? If they learn something at the same time so much the better. This attitude is likely to stem from the idea within the church leadership that children’s ministry is secondary and less important than teaching adults, and therefore anyone should be able to do it. When my husband took over as superintendent of our Sunday school years ago, he stopped the practice … Continue reading

Who is Responsible?

Children’s ministry – is it the responsibility of the church or the parents? When we consult God’s word on the matter, parents are told to ‘train up a child in the way he should go’ Proverbs 22:6. The Israelites were told to teach their children about God and His laws. ‘You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up,’ Deuteronomy 11:19 NASB. Surely this command applies equally to God’s people today. In other words every part … Continue reading

Save Money on Haircuts Part 1

Hair stylists recommend that people get their hair cut every six weeks. Most women I know do not get their hair cut that often, but many men find that they need to. If your family of four goes to a middle-of-the-road salon and pays $15-$25 per haircut, your bill could easily exceed $500 each year. I don’t know about you, but I found that the money my family was putting out for haircuts was well beyond what our budget could afford. If you feel that you are spending too much your family’s haircuts, consider this: Look up the local cosmetology … Continue reading

5 Steps For Starting a Children’s Park Ministry

Are you looking for a way to reach children in your community this summer? Does your church have limited financial resources? Starting a park ministry is a great way to reach children in your area with the gospel that is also relatively inexpensive. This is also a ministry that your whole family can do together. Here are five tips to help you begin reaching children in your area: 1. Locate a park in your community that has apartment buildings nearby (preferably within walking distance). Parks located near residential developments and trailer parks are also ideal. 2. Canvas the area. Develop … Continue reading

Teaching Children Through Song

Over the years I have found that one of the most effective ways to teach children about the Bible or Biblical concepts is through song. There are many advantages to using songs as a way to help children learn about Biblical ideas. Songs are fun, exciting, and interesting to children. Singing is an engaging activity, both mentally and physically. Children can sing these songs just about anytime from riding to school or doing their chores. Songs also provide an easy way for children to remember Bible stories or Biblical things. Below I have listed just a few songs which can … Continue reading