Encouraging the Reluctant Scout

Sometimes boys don’t automatically see the benefits in attending Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts. They don’t understand that the things they are taught can be fun, or that they’ll make new friends, or that they’ll be able to use these new skills on their own to make their projects/hobbies even better. They just perceive Scouts as something they “have” to do, or that their parents are “forcing” them to do. If you are a leader, here are some things you can do to encourage the scouts in your den: 1. Find out what their areas of interest are. The scouting … Continue reading

Attending Round Table

I’ve been a Cub Scout leader since last December, but I never attended Round Table until last night. Now I’m seeing what I’ve been missing! Round Table is Scout Training that takes place on the district level. You meet together as a district and attend training meetings that fit into two categories –general for the program, which includes things like policies and procedures, keeping Scouting safe, where to get help, and the like, and specific – what each group needs, tailored to them. Last night I attended New Leader Essentials. While none of the information was shockingly new to me, … Continue reading

Putting the Boys First

I’m serving as the Wolf leader in my ward right now. Because of lack of leaders, I’ve kept the boys after they graduated into Bears, so my den right now is half Wolves/half Bears. (We sound so wild, don’t we?) We’ve got things worked out to where the Bears come at 6:00 and the Wolves come at 6:30, and I try to find activities that are beneficial to both groups for that last half hour. So far it’s been working great. Later in the fall, we’re going to start meeting at the church, the whole pack together, and then splitting … Continue reading

Serving in Scouts

I grew up with three sisters and not a brother in the bunch. Surprise, surprise – I ended up having three sons, and it’s been an adventure trying to figure out what to do with them. This last December when my oldest boy turned eight, I was asked to serve as the Wolf Scout leader. I figured this would come eventually – with three boys, what are the odds – but the call still caught me off-guard. “I’ve never done anything like this,” I stammered to the member of the Bishopric who asked me to fill the call. “You’ll learn,” … Continue reading

Simple Health Lessons from Cub Scouts

I’m lucky enough (hah!) to have a son in the Cub Scout program. Cub scouting parents are handed a list of things to buy, and a nice requirement book. Sometimes we’re given no more direction than “have at it!” but that’s another subject entirely. This week, my husband and I decided to spend some time helping our son with some of his scouting requirements. We chose to look at the ones having to do with health. Sometimes we get a little overwhelmed trying to figure out how to be healthy and help our families be healthy. There are a million … Continue reading

Primary Time: Cub Scouts

In the United States, wards are still participating in the Cub Scout program in addition to the “Faith in God” booklets. This is a great program for your son, and can teach him about safety, hard work, and many other things. In the church the boys do not start Cub Scouts until they turn eight years old. It is important that you continue to work with your son on the “Faith in God” award as well as Scouts. The programs overlap in many areas, so you should be able to easily achieve both goals. Here are five tips to make … Continue reading