Green Celebrities: Daryl Hannah

Like Robert Redford, Daryl Hannah has been a long time advocate of environmentalism. And, like Woody Harrelson, she has joined the growing list of celebrities that have been arrested for supporting green practices. Daryl is known for being one of the first celebrities to drive a car that runs on biodiesel. In case you haven’t been reading our blogs, biodiesel is made from vegetable oil. Daryl was featured in a video for her blog in which she even drank the biodiesel fuel, having poured it straight from the pump to a glass, to prove a point of how biodiesel is … Continue reading

More Tips About Protecting Your Husband’s Health

Here are some more tips to help maintain your husband’s health. Watch the cholesterol. Encourage a regular check and if it is high look at changes that will need to be made. Visit the sites below or a dietician if you’re not sure what dietary changes you will need to implement. Another problem that has occurred these days is the number of people with allergies. Some times they can be linked to certain foods, even to migraines. Some triggers to migraines are, cheese, red wine, chocolate (sorry all you chocoholics) oranges. Other health problems can be caused by preservatives. Preservative … Continue reading

Protecting your Husband’s Health

Stress can come to all of us at times. Stress can cause all sorts of health issues, like heart disease, stomach ulcers, migraines, and, some believe, cancer. As much as possible try and keep stress to a minimum by trying to make your home a peaceful place. Make sure you both have a time to relax, enjoy a hobby and have couple time when you can talk things through. Don’t let your expectations put too much stress on your spouse. In this day and age money issues are a point of concern, so watch the spending so it does not … Continue reading

Protecting Your Husband’s Heart and More

The other day we looked at protecting your marriage but have you ever thought about whether there is anything you need to do or change in your lifestyle to protect your husband’s health? After all, you want him around for a long time to come, don’t you? Statistics have shown that carrying too much weight around can be bad for the heart and can also lead to other problems such as diabetes. Do you make sure your husband eats a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, and fruit? Now I’m not suggesting you go vegetarian, as many men are fond … Continue reading

Actors that Turned Down Iconic Roles – Part Two

Last blog, I was talking about how actors turned down iconic film roles, for whatever reason – it just didn’t interest them, they had a previous commitment, etc. Here are a few more people that turned down very important roles: Sean Connery as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings? Oh sure, Connery has made his mark in cinema, but he turned down the role of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, saying he “didn’t understand the script.” Too bad for Connery – he was offered up to 15% of the box office receipts by New Cinema, which could … Continue reading